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The next morning, Madame Maxime collected Ron and took him to an empty classroom. Inside Aimee was sitting in a desk, waiting for them. Ron sat next to her.

"How long did you know about the bond?" Madame Maxime asked. "Since last night." "How did you find out about it?" "A friend of mine told me about it, he has a prosthetic eye that lets him see that." "And his name?"
"Y/N Potter." Madame Maxime gave this some thought. After a few seconds, she took out a pair of glasses.

"These will allow me to see if you two have a genuine soul bond, if so Aimee will be allowed to visit you and vice versa. If not, then you can go." Madame Maxime said.

Ron nodded and the head mistress put on the glasses. She saw a stream of energy flowing between the two of them. "Looks like Y/N was correct. You two are soul bonded.What is your name, young man?" "Ron Weasley." Madame Maxime smiles and dismissed him.

She then turned to Aimee. "Looks like you were right." "Yes ma'am. I wish to spend more time with him." "Understood, I need to speak with Professor Dumbledore on this matter."

Ron was heading to the great hall when Aimee arrived in her robes. "I have to admit, you look good in those." "Thank you, Ron. Guys often find me intimidating since I am a swords woman." "Y/N is a sword summoner, I'm used to it."

"Did you notice how he was looking at the Bulgarian swordsman?" "Yeah I have, I've seen that look at least once a year ever since he started at Hogwarts. It means he's expecting a fight."

Aimee looked at him like he was crazy, but she knew he was serious. She just hoped that the two can keep it civilized.

It was Thursday and the fourth years were in Moody's classroom.

"Alastor Moody, Ex-auror, and your new defense against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, good bye, the end. Any questions?" Moody said, only to be met with silent.

"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in the practical approach, but first which one of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Moody asked. "Three, sir." Hermione said.

"And they are soul named?" "Because they are unforgivable, and the use of any of them-" She said, only to be interrupted by Moody. "Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct. Now the ministry says you are too young to see what these curses can do, I say different. You need to know what you are up against. You need to be prepared. You need to find a different place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan."

Everyone looked at Seamus when he said something about Moody's eye being able to see through the back of his head, only for him to throw something at him.

"Now, which curse shall we see first?" Moody asked. He then approached Ron. "Weasley, stand." Ron did so, nearly getting a heart attack in the process. "Give us a curse." "Well my dad did tell me about one, The imperious curse." Ron said.

"Yeah, your father would know about that one. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." He then went over to his desk and pulled out a spider.

"Ingrogio." He said to it, causing it to grow. "Imperio." He then levitated the spider onto other students.

Ron looked like he was ready to panic. Goyle took a hit to the face by Malfoy. He said he was aiming for the spider, but Crabbe knew that wasn't the case.

Eventually, Moody returned it to his hand. "Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you-know-who's bidding under the influence of the imperious curse, but here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars?" Moody said.

"Another, another." Neville slowly raised his hand and Moody picked him. "Longbottom, is it? Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for her Herbology." He said to him.

Neville nodded. "There's the cruciatus curse, sir." He said. "Correct, correct. Come, come." Moody said. Neville followed him to his desk and Moody pointed his wand at the spider.

"The torture curse, crucio." The spider was in immense agony, like it wants to get away, but can't. Neville's facial expression looked like he had seen this before, and it wasn't a good thing.

Eventually, Hermione had enough. "Stop it, can't you see it's bothering him, stop it!" She said.

Moody stopped and gave Neville a quick pat, before approaching her with the spider. "Perhaps you can give us the final unforgivable curse, Miss Granger." He said. Hermione shook her head no, Y/N knew why.

"No, Avada kedava." The spider was killed instantly. Y/N looked at Harry and wondered if Goyle got him with a stupify spell.

"Killing curse. Only one person has survived it, and he's sitting in this room." Moody said, approaching Harry.

"Alright, now that you have seen what these curses can do, I want all of you to form a line." Moody said. Everyone did so.

"Now, I'm going to hit you all with the imperious curse and your job is to resist it." Moody said.

Dean did a summersault, Seamus started dancing, Lavender stood on her head, Goyle did the splits, Ron started spinning, Ginny and Harry did a waltz together, Hermione balanced herself on the back of her chair.

Once it was Y/N's turned Moody hit him with a command. "Attack Granger." But Y/N resisted. "Not on my life."

Moody attempted it again, but Y/N refused. He tried again and the command was even stronger than before, but Y/N wasn't about to go through with it.

Eventually, Moody stopped. "He fought. Look everyone, Potter resisted. I'll hit him again, watch his eyes." Moody said. He then hit Y/N again with the same command, only for him to resist. "Anyone using this spell will have a hard time controlling you, Potter."

Eventually, class ended and the students left. "He's really been there, doing it. Terrifying to be in the same room in, but he knows what it's like." Ron said.

"There's a reason those curses are unforgivable, but to perform them in a classroom. I mean did you see Neville's face?" Hermione said. Only for Y/N to point him out.

Neville was standing on the stairs looking at the stain glass image of a witch. In the rain, it looked like the image was crying.

"Neville?" Hermione asked. "Hey, you okay mate?" Y/N asked.

Moody then appeared. "You alright, son." Neville looked at him and nodded. "Come on, we'll have a cup of tea. I want to show you something." Moody said. Neville hesitated, but followed him.

"How do you guys think he knew about that curse?" Ginny asked. "Let's not ask him about it." Harry said. "I agree with Harry, he looked like he was staring at a dementor when he saw it." Y/N said. The others agreed.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now