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Harry, Cedric, and Y/N landed in front of the entire crowd of at the third task. With Krum in tow, many people were screaming in horror. Igor Karkaroff was furious that his favorite student was dead. Fudge was trying to keep people in their seats. Dumbledore rushed over to see if the boys were alright.

"He's back, sir. Voldemort's back." Harry said in an upset tone. "It's true, sir. He was about to kill Harry, and by proxy, Ginny." Y/N said. "They're right, I saw enough to confirm it." Cedric said. Dumbledore knew this wasn't good knews. Mad-eye came and took Harry to the castle.

They eventually entered his office. "Does it hurt, that?" Moody asked. "Not so much anymore." Moody then went looking for a flask full of a certain thing he was drinking all year. "What was he like?" Moody asked. "Who?" "The Dark Lord. What was it like to stand in his presents." He said, while looking for what he was drinking.

"It was like being back into one of my dreams, in one of my nightmares." Harry said. "Were there others in the graveyard?" "I don't recall mentioning a graveyard, sir." "Marvelous creatures, dragons, aren't they? Do you really think that miserable oaf would have taken you to the forest if I haven't suggested it first? Do you think that Neville the witless wonder could have provided you with gillyweed if I haven't given him the book that lead him straight to it?" Moody asked. He then pointed at his own head.

"It was you from the beginning, you put my name in the goblet of fire, bewitched Krum." Harry said. "You won because I made it so, Potter, you ended up in that graveyard because it was meant to be so, and now the deed is done." Moody said. He then turned to face Harry. "Now imagine how he will reward me when he learns that I silenced the great Harry Potter."

Before he could do anything, the door to the office had flung open and Y/N used Neville's sword to capture Moody and throw him into a nearby chair, stunning him. "Excellent work, Y/N." Dumbledore said. Snape and Mcgonagall approached Moody with their wands out while Y/N got to Harry. "You alright." Harry nodded.

Dumbledore pinned Moody to the chair and Snape administered the entire bottle of Veritaserum down his throat. "Do you know who I am?" Dumbledore asked. "Albus Dumbledore." Moody said. "Are you Alastor Moody?" "No." "Is he in this room?" Instead of answering, the imposter looked at the trunk. Dumbledore had the brothers back away and then blasted the trunk.

It opened and a trunk slightly smaller came out, then another, this happened until there was seven in total. Dumbledore, Snape, Harry, Mcgonagall, and Y/N looked down a long hole only to find a one legged Moody with his left hand covering his eye socket. "Are you alright, Alastor?" Dumbledore asked. "I'm sorry, Albus." Moody said. "If that's Moody then who's-" Harry said, only to point at the other Moody.

Snape got a hold of one of the flasks and took a sniff of it. "Polyjuice potion." He said. "Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus." Dumbledore said, before turning back to  Moody. "We'll have you up in a minute." Dumbledore said. "I can get him any time you want."

Before Dumbledore could say anything, the imposter began to make some unsettling noises. and his body began to morph. He took the prosthetic eye out of his head and dropped it on the floor. His hair began to darken and his body shrunk down.

Eventually it stopped to reveal a young, but mad, looking man. "Barty Crouch Jr." Dumbledore said. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He said, showing the dark mark that was tattooed onto his left arm. "Your arm, Harry." Dumbledore said, showing the cut that Harry got.

"You know what this means, don't you? He's back, the Dark Lord has returned." Crouch said. "Sorry sir, I couldn't help it." Harry said. "Send an owl to Askaban, I think they'll find their missing a prisoner." "It won't matter, I'll be welcomed back like a hero." "Perhaps, personally I never had much time for heroes." Dumbledore said, taking Harry out of the room. Snape adjusted his wand in order to make sure Crouch stays in place. Y/N jumped down the trunks and got Moody to the hospital wing.

The schools were getting ready to leave Hogwarts, Durmstrang especially since Victor needed a funeral.

Ron and Aimee were saying their goodbyes when she mentioned that she does have some flu powder at home and he even invited her to meet the rest of his family. "We just need to be careful with Fred and George, or we'll never hear the end of it." "I'll keep that in mind, it was nice to meet you, Ron." "It was my pleasure, started feeling left out around the others." "I noticed. Bye Ron." "Bye." Ron said.

Cedric found Y/N with Hermione, holding hands, when he tapped him on the shoulder. "Cedric what brings you here?" Hermione asked. "I actually want to thank Y/N for saving my life." "No problem. Be sure to write, man. Just to check in." "Got it, and be careful." Y/N nodded and Hermione giggled.

"What's so funny?" Y/N asked "That's the first time I have ever heard someone tell you to be careful." Hermione said. "True." "But still, you did save his life." "He's a brother, and I owed him for helping me smack Krum for that stunt he pulled in the library." "Point taken."

Harry and Ginny were keeping their distance from the others. "What do you think?" Ginny said. "I think we're in danger, a lot more than ever." Harry said. "We just have to be careful." "At least you and me have each other." "True, but we also have Y/N, Hermione, Aimee, and the rest of my family, not to mention our friends." "Yeah, Y/N was there when this started, and he's always told me we're in this together, we just have a bit more friends to count on than before." Harry nodded, knowing Ginny was right.

Y/N, Ron, and Hermione came around. "Think things will be the same?" Ron asked. "Not a chance." Y/N said. "What's life without a few dragons?" "Boring, that's what." Ginny gave Y/N a push causing him to laugh.

All four of them turned their attention to Hermione. "Everything is going to change now, isn't it?" she asked. Harry nodded and she knew he was right. The five began to make their way to the stairs "Well, promise you'll write to me, all three of you." "I won't, you know I won't." Ron said. "Harry and Ginny will won't you." She asked them. "Sure, every week." Harry said. "I'm starting to think Ron's rubbing off on you." Ginny said. "I agree." Y/N said. Hermione laughed a bit.

They then began to wave at their guests as they left for home. Ron and Aimee knew they won't be away from each other for very long. Harry took a look at his brother, who had a golden egg from inside his robe. "Exactly what do you plan to do with that?" He asked him. "Two words: Trophy case." Y/N said. "Did you ever get anything from third year?" "Yeah, one of Buckbeak's feathers, it fell out and I didn't want to throw it away, so I kept it." "The egg is probably the most normal thin he has in his trophy case, you lot have seen it." Ron said. "Yes, but they stil serve the same purpose as the egg." Ginny said. "Good point."

Eventually, everyone left the castle and another year at Hogwarts behind them.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now