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Harry was on his way to Gryffindor tower when he heard Karkaroff talking in a muffled voice.

Eventually, the door to Snape's personal stores opened and Harry saw the dark mark on the headmaster's arm.

Karkaroff covered it back up and gave him a dirty look before leaving. Harry was about to do the same when Snape stopped him.

"Potter, what's your hurry?" Harry turned and approached the potions master. "Congratulations, your performance in the black lake was inspiring. Gillyweed, am I correct?" He asked. Harry nodded. "Ingenious." Snape said, before going into his stores. "A rather rare herb. Not found in your everyday garden. Not is this." He then approached him and showed him a vial.

"Know what it is?" Snape asked. "Bobble juice, sir?" Harry asked. "Veritaserum, a few drops of this and you-know-who himself would spill his darkest secrets. The use of it on a student is regretably forbidden, however, should you ever steal from my personal stores again my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice."

"I haven't stolen anything." Harry said. "Don't lie to me. Gillyweed might be one thing, but boomslang skin, lacewing flies. You and your little friends are brewing polyjuice potion and believe me I'm going to find out why." Snape said before closing the door.

The third task was underway and the schools were in high spirits. Everyone was cheering for the champion they wanted to win. Guests even arrived to support them as well.

The headmasters and the champions were on the field facing a maze. Dumbledore placed his wand to his neck. "Silence."

The entire stadium fell quite. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup inside the maze, only he knows it's exact location. Going into the maze first will be Mr. Diggory." Cheering rang from the stadium. "Then Mr. Potter." More cheering was heard. "Then Mr. Krum" cheering happened again. "Followed by Ms. Delacour." Cheers were heard from the crowd again. "As for the sword users, they will enter at the same time as their perspective champion. The first one to touch it will be the winner." Dumbledore said.

"Champions, gather around. Now all of you should be cautious. In that maze, you won't find any dragons or creatures of the deep, but something far worse. You see people change in the maze. Find the cup if you can, but be careful or you may lose yourselves along the way." Dumbledore said.

The champions got into position and the Cannon went off. Cedric went in and Harry and Y/N took their turn, only to find the maze closing itself behind them.

"Let's go, Harry. This maze isn't friendly, and I can't see well in here either." Y/N said. Harry nodded and the two went in deeper.

Cedric was looking around in the maze when some of the hedges began to close around him. He began running and eventually escaped, making a note to himself to be careful in the maze.

Krum was walking through the maze with his wand out. Aleksandr was right beside him, sword in hand. Neither of them spoke but looked like they were hunting for something.

Harry and Y/N we're walking in their own pace when they heard something behind them. "Normally I would ask if you saw anything, but you said you were having a hard time seeing anything in here." Harry said.

"It's this maze, it's like a living thing with a mind of it's own." Y/N said. "What does that mean?" "We need to get the cup and get out of here fast." Harry nodded and the twins continued to look for the cup.

Fleur and Aimee were running around the maze, looking for the cup. Aimee drew her sword and dagger when she heard something. "Fleur, did you hear that?" She asked. "No, I didn't."

Eventually something caught up with them and Fleur screamed.

Harry and Y/N caught up to see Aimee blocking spells and retreating while Aleksandr was casting and advancing.

Krum had his wand trained on Harry for a moment, but lowered it and moved on. Y/N jumped into the fray between Aimee and Aleksandr.

Harry went in to where Krum came from, only to find Fleur getting dragged into the hedge wall. With no other way to help her, Harry aimed his wand at the sky "Periculum."
A red spark appeared in the sky and Harry moved on.

Y/N was using Ron's sword against Aleksandr and Aimee was dual wielding her dagger and sword together. Aleksandr was using his own sword and fighting the two sword users.

Eventually, Aimee was able to get some ground by aiming a strike at Aleksandr's leg and Y/N kicked him in the kidney. The two of them then knocked him out with the butt of their swords.

They both sighed a breath of relief. "Man, that's one tough customer." Y/N said. "I didn't know such a man existed before I met him." Aimee said. She then turned to Y/N. "Thank you for helping." "Being soul bond to someone close to me has it's benefits." Aimee nodded and the two continued onward.

Y/N and Aimee eventually found Harry, only to be caught in a duel between Cedric and Krum. The two were attempting to blast each other with spells until Cedric disarmed Krum of his wand. Krum then ran for it.

"You go with Harry and Cedric, I'll keep Aleksandr busy." "I thought you can't beat him." "I don't have to, I just have to hold him off, and besides I'm ready for him this time."

Y/N and Harry were following Cedric, who went after Krum, and the trio caught up with him pretty quick, only to find the cup just a few feet away.

The four took off in a dead sprint, attacking anything that wasn't human or holding still. Eventually all four of them grabbed the cup together, only for them to be teleported to a different area.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now