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Harry, Cedric, Y/N, and Krum landed a foot away from each other, on their backs in pain. Y/N was up first. "Anybody have any idea where we are?" He asked. Cedric recovered next and looked at the cup. "It was a port key. Guys, the cup is a port key." He said. Harry was on his feet next. "I've been here before. We have to get back to the cup now." He said. Victor stumbled to his feet last. "You three might want to see this." he said.

Victor was referring to a cauldron nearby a tombstone. The others went and saw it, and not long after, a fire appeared underneath it. Y/N took out Hermione's saber and the others had their wands prepared.

It wasn't long before a familiar looking man came in with an infant looking thing in his arms. Harry dropped after feeling an incredible amount of pain from his scar. "Wormtail." Y/N said. "Kill the spares." the small creature said. "Avada Kedava."  Wormtail said.

A green blast came from his other hand and hit Krum dead on, killing him instantly. Y/N had no idea what Wormtail was doing, now he was better prepared. The second shot went for Cedric, only for Y/N to deflect it  to another location.

Wormtail tried again and again, but Y/N kept up a strong defence. "Stupify." Wormtail said, changing tactics. This shot hit Y/N directly and knocked him out. Cedric ended up hit with the curse as well.

Wormtail proceeded to Harry and, by the use of a spell, forced him onto a statue of the angel of death, who moved his arms and used his scythe to trap Harry.

"Do it now." Said the creature. Wormtail then dropped it into the cauldron. "Bone of the father, unwillingly given." He said as he levitated a bone into the cauldron. "Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed." He said as he took out a knife and cut his hand off. Allowing it to fall into the potion. "Blood of the enemy, forcefully taken." He said as he slit Harry's arm, with him screaming in pain most of the time. Wormtail then went to the cauldron and continued his chant. "The dark lord will rise again." He said as he allowed the blood to fall in.

The cauldron eventually exploded and the small infant grew into a man. One with no hair, two large nostrils, and the black smoke forming itself into robes for the man. Harry knew who this is, and knew his brother would know as well.

Voldemort had returned.

The dark lord had touched his head with his long skinny fingers, then looked at Wormtail. "My wand, Wormtail." He took out the wand and presented it to him and Voldemort took it. "Hold out your arm." He said. Wormtail happily did so, but it was the one with the missing hand. "The other arm, Wormtail." His expression changed, but he still held it out. This one had the dark mark tattooed to it.

Voldemort touched it with his wand and then it appeared in the sky. Just then multiple people in masks and black robes had arrived. "Welcome my friends, Thirteen years it's been and yet, here you all stand as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed. Not one of you tried to look for me." He said as he approached them.

"Crabbe." He said as he removed a mask, which dropped the man to his knees. "MacNair." He said, dropping another in the same way. "Goyle." He said, repeating the process. "Not even you, Lucius." He said removing his mask the same way. "My lord, had I detected any sign or whisper of your whereabouts." He began to say, but Voldemort interrupted him. "There were signs, my slippery friend, and more than whispers." He said. "Well I assure you, I have never renounced the old ways." Lucius said as he removed his hood. "The face I've been forced to present since your absence, that is my true mask." Lucius said.

"I returned." Wormtail said. Only to whimper as Voldemort approached him. "Out of fear, not loyalty, still you've proven yourself these past few months." Voldemort said. He the waved his wand around the stump that his old hand used to be on, only for a new one to form. "Thank you, Master. Thank you." Wormtail said, admiring the new limb.

Voldemort then approached the now dead Victor Krum. "Oh, such a waist of potential." He said. "Get away from him." Harry said. Voldemort then quickly looked at Harry. "Harry, I almost forgot you were here. Standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you, but word has it, you and your brother are almost as famous as me these days." He said. He then looked at the death eaters. "The boy who lived, our lives have filled your legend, Harry. Shall I reveal what happened that night thirteen years ago. Shall I reveal how I lost my power?"

Voldemort then looked at his followers. "It was love. You see when dear sweet Lily Potter gave her life to protect both of her sons, she provided them the ultimate protection. I couldn't touch either one of them. It was old magic, something I should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed." He said. He then returned to in front of Harry. "I can touch him now." Voldemort said as he lowered his finger onto Harry's scar, only for a sword to stop him.

"I see you forgot me." Y/N said. "Y/N, we were just talking about how I lost my power, when did you recover." "About the time you were chatting it up with Lucius." "No matter, Harry's blood runs through my veins and now I have the same protection as the two of you." Voldemort then freed Harry from the statue. "Pick up your wand, Potter." Voldemort said.

Y/N got it and gave it to his brother. "Where's Cedric?" Harry asked "He hasn't recovered yet." Y/N said. "You've been taught how to duel I presume yes Harry, first we bow to each other. Come now, the manners must be observed. Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget them. I said bow." He said, using the imperious curse to make Harry bow to him.

"That's better, now crucio." Voldemort said, torturing Harry. Y/N had his own wand out and was about to fight as well, but MacNair got in his way and the two of them began fist fighting. "That a boy, Harry. Your parents would be proud, especially your filthy mudblood mother." Voldemort said. "Expelliarmus." Harry said, attempting to hit Voldemort, only of him to deflect it.

"I'm going to kill you Harry Potter, I'm going to destroy you." Voldemort said. He then leaned closer to Harry. "After tonight, nobody will ever again question my power. After tonight, if anyone ever speaks of you again, they will only speak of how you begged for death, and I, being a merciful lord, obliged. Get up."

Harry then made a retreat to behind a tombstone. "Don't you turn your back on me Harry Potter, I want you to look at me when I kill you. I want to see the light fade from your eyes." Voldemort said. Harry began to take a breath when he saw someone out of the corner of his eyes. "Hi, Harry." "Cedric, when did you recover?" "A bit after you started dueling Voldemort. Don't worry anyone would be terrified in your position." Harry nodded and could feel Ginny's worry.

"I got an idea, stay close to me." "Got it." Cedric said. The two reappeared from behind the tombstone. "Have it your way then. Expelliarmus." "Avada kedava." 

Green and red clashed with each other. Y/N saw this and rushed over to the others after giving MacNair a right hook to the jaw. The blasts ended up almost overpowering Harry, but after he grabbed his wand with both hands, he could feel Ginny giving him strength.

It wasn't long before Voldemort's spell was overpowered and the blast began violently shaking his wand. A barrier formed around Harry and Voldemort and then spirits began to form. One was Victor Krum one was Lily Potter and one was James Potter.

"Boys when the connection is broken you three must get to the port key. We'll linger around to buy you some time, but only a moment do you understand?" James said. Harry nodded. "Take my body back. I don't want it to rot in a place like this." James then looked at Y/N "Son, I wish we had more time to talk to you two, just keep protecting Harry." Y/N nodded. "We'll have a chance to talk someday, sweetheart." Lily said. She then approached Harry. "Let go, sweetheart you're ready, let go." She said.

Harry broke the connection and rushed to Krum's body. The spirits created a smokescreen, blinding the death eaters. Cedric and Y/N followed him. "Accio." All three said together. The cup approached them and they grabbed it. Voldemort eventually emerged from the smokescreen with no sign of Harry, Cedric, or Y/N. In frustration, he yelled knowing the two of them escaped.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now