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The champions were called for an interview and a picture in the daily prophet, much to Y/N's discuss and irritation.

The champions were set up, and their picture was taken. "What a charismatic group, Hello." A woman said.

She had a pair of glasses and bright blonde hair. She began shaking everyone's hands. "I'm Rita Skeeter, I work for the daily prophet, but you know that. It's you we don't know, you're the juicy news."

She approached Fleur first. "What quirks lie behind those rosy cheeks." She said, as she stroked her cheek. Tapping it before moving on to Cedric. "Does courage lie beneath those curls?" She said as she stood between him and Harry. She then held them both "In short, what makes a champion tick. Me myself and I want to know, not to mention my rabid readers. So who's feeling up to sharing?" She finished. Nobody said anything.

She then decided to get Harry first. "We'll start with the youngest, lovely." She said, dragging him to a nearby cupboard.

"I hate her already." Y/N said. "Does that happen a lot." Fleur said. "I have a grudge against the daily prophet for putting me and Harry on the front page with Lockhart two years ago." "Didn't you like it?" Cedric said. "I hate my fame, my friend. If I had it my way, Harry and I would have our parents."

"Wouldn't fame be better than your parents?" Krum said. This sent Y/N over the edge.

Y/N summoned Sirius's broadsword and went on a complete bloodthirsty frenzy against Victor, who did his best to block with his walking stick.

Cedric was stunned by the fact that a boy he was sure didn't know who his parents were was defending them.

Fleur and Aimee made a mental note to never do what Victor did to Y/N, unless they want to get chopped up.

Aleksandr tried to protect Victor, but Y/N kicked him in the kidney and knocked the wind out of him before he charged him again.

Cedric grabbed Y/N's arm."Relax, Y/N, he isn't worth it." "After what he said about my parents, I should take his head off." "I think he got the point by now, he was only defending." Y/N looked at Victor and his stick.

The stick had multiple gashes in it and much of Victor's fur was covered in blood. His face had good cuts in multiple places. He wasn't on his feet either.

"If you ever say anything like that again, I'll kill you myself." Y/N said. Victor nodded and proceeded to heal himself with magic.

Harry came out by the time Victor was done healing himself and fixing his stick. "What happened to Victor?" He asked. "Y/N, Victor said something about fame being better than his parents and he went off the deep end." Aimee said.

"Will he be okay?" Cedric asked. "I don't think he'll be cooperative during the interview, and Victor might want to keep his distance."

"So, not a good idea to get an interview?" Rita said. "If he had it his way, he wouldn't have to complete. He also remembers the picture we had with Lockhart, so no." Harry said.

The others continued on with the interview while Y/N meditated in order to prevent himself from killing Victor.

A bird came in for Harry, it wasn't Hedwig, but it had a letter from him. He took the bird's letter, and read it.

I couldn't risk sending Hedwig. Ever since the world cup, the ministry has been intercepting owls and she's too easily to recognize. We need to talk Harry, face-to-face. Meet me in the Gryffindor common room on Saturday at midnight, and make sure you're alone.


Harry read the letter as he was dangling his hand in front of the owl, who then proceeded to bite his finger, drawing blood. Harry immediately withdrew his hand from it

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now