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Harry and the others were in the Gryffindor tower after the discovery of Barty Crouch's body. The six of them were sitting in front of the fireplace. "This isn't good." Ron said. "Why is that, I would be ready to kill him myself if he threatened anyone." Y/N said. "Well, nobody would turn an eye if Crouch got stiff in Diagon Alley, but this is Hogwarts. It's well known that it's the safest place around."

"Well it looks like winning the tournament isn't the answer." Ginny said. "I agree, You should go to Dumbledore, Harry." Hermione said. Harry nodded and went to the headmaster's office.

Harry arrived at Dumbledore's office only to hear arguing from the other side of the door. "A man has died, and he won't be the last, you must take action." He heard Dumbledore say. "I will not, it's times like this that the people look to their leaders for strength." A second voice he didn't recognize say. "Then show some for once." "I will not be seen as a coward. The tri-wizard tournament will not be cancelled." "Even if it's right, despite what others think." "What did you say?"

"Excuse me, gentlemen, but it might interest you to know that this conversation is no longer private." Said a third voice. The door opened, and Harry saw Dumbledore, Moody, and a third person he assumed was the minister of magic. "Oh, Harry, good to meet you, at last. It's a shame that you're brother isn't here as well. It would be nice to meet him too." Said the minister.

"I can come back later." Harry said. "No, it's alright Harry. The minister and I were just finishing up. Minister, shall I escort you out?" "Thank you, Dumbledore." The minister said. "Oh, by the way, Harry, feel free to indulge in some liquorice snacks in my absence, but I should warn you, there a bit sharp." Dumbledore said before helping himself to one himself.

After the three left Harry grabbed a handful, only for them to attack his hand. Harry attempted to get them off his hand, only to find a compartment with a single bowl with liquid in it. Harry took a look inside only to find himself falling into it.

He found himself in a courtroom filled with witches and wizards all around him. Dumbledore was next to him and Moody was behind him. "Professor?" Harry said, only for him to not hear him. "Professor." A man said. Dumbledore saw him and the two shook hands, with the other man's arm going through him.

In the middle of the room was a cage and Igor Karkaroff inside it. "Igor Karkaroff, you have benn brought from Azkaban at your own request. Should your testimony prove concequential, Council maybe prepared to order your immediate release. Do you understand?" Asked Barty Crouch, who was judge of the case. "I do, sir." Karkaroff said.

"What do you wish to present?" "I have names sir. There's Rosier, Evan Rosier." Karkaroff said. Crouch received a report and then said "Mr. Rosier is dead." "Dead?" Karkaroff said, looking worried. "Yeah, and he took a piece of me with him." Moody said to Dumbledore, pointing at his mechanical eye.

"If that's all the witness has to offer-" Crouch began to say, only for Karkaroff to quickly bring up another name. "No, no, there was Rockwood, He was a spy." "Augustus Rockwood, of the department of ministry." "Yeah, yeah, the same. He was supplying information for you know who from inside the ministry itself." Karkaroff said. "Very well, the council will deliberate, in the mean time you will be returned to Azkaban."

"No, wait, please, I have more, what about Snape, Severus Snape?" Karkaroff said, only for Dumbledore to stand up. "The council is aware of that you have given evidence on this matter, Severus Snape was indeed a death eater and prior to lord Voldemort's downfall turned spy for us at great personal risk. Today, he's no more a death eater than I am." Dumbledore said. It's a lie, Severus Snape is still a faithful servant of the dark lord." Karkaroff said loudly.

"Silence." Crouch said, banging the gavel. "Unless the witness has any name of genuine concequence, this council is now concluded." He said. "Oh no, I have one more." Igor said, with a bit of a happy tone in his voice. "What's that?" Crouch asked. "The name." "Yes." "This one I knew for a fact took part in the capture, and by means of the cruciatus curse, torture of the aurors Frank Longbottom and his wife." "The name, give me the wretched name." "Barty Crouch."

As the name escaped his mouth a moment of silence came over the room, only for him to add on to it. "Junior." A young man attempted to escape, only for Moody to blast him with a stunning spell.

Multiple men grabbed him and were taking him away. "Get your filthy hands off me, you pathetic little men." He said, only for him to be brought in front of his father. "Hello father." "You're no son of mine." Crouch said. Only for Crouch Jr to attempt to attack him while being taken away.

Harry was pulled back into the headmaster's office where Dumbledore was waiting for him. "Curiousity is not a sin, Harry, but you should exercise caution." Dumbledore said. "It's a pensive, it allows me to see what I've seen once more. Useful if you find your mind a bit stretched. You see Harry, I've searched and searched for an answer. Something I've overlooked. Some detail that would explain why these terrible things are happening. Each time I come close to an answer, it slips away. It's maddening." He continued.

"Sir, what happened to Mr. Crouch's son?" Harry asked. "He was sent to Azkaban, destroyed Barty to do it. We had no choice, the evidence was overwhelming. Why do you ask?" "It's just I've had a dream about him. It was in the summer before school. In the dream, I was in a house, and Voldemort was there, only he wasn't quite human. Wormtail was there too, and Mr. Crouch's son. Voldemort had a job for him." "Do you know what it was?" "No, sir, but he wanted me. I don't know how, but he was going to use this man to get to me. Sir, these dreams, what I see, you don't think it's happening do you?"

Dumbledore looked at him. "I think it's not wise for you to linger on these dreams Harry. I think it's best if you simply cast them away." Dumbledore said as he pulled out a bit of light from his head and placed it in the pensive, revealing Barty Crouch Jr. Harry nodded and left.

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