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Chaos was the only thing that could be seen in the crowd, with people running from something. "Everyone get back to the port key." Author said.

Y/N looked around and saw men in masks. He also noticed that they had wands in their hands. He activated the saber and rushed to engage them, deflecting shots back at them.

Fred and George were keeping low while running with the crowd. Normally they wouldn't be doing so, but they couldn't use magic due to being under age and ministry officials were nearby, so they had to hold back.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were running towards the port key. Harry knew Y/N was holding the attackers back with the saber. Hermione knew that too, seeing him heading towards them. Ginny and Ron told them that he would be fine and then they were taken to the ground by Draco.

"Guys, they're after muggles." He said. "Do you know them?" Hermione asked. "Only what they call themselves, and why they're here. I'll fill you guys in later, but we need to go now, Crabbe says hi." He told them. "Tell Crabbe we said hi." Ginny said. "Sure." Draco then left.

Cedric was running for the port key when he saw a young boy and his mother being chased by a man in a mask. Cedric tackled him and knocked him out. He then ran to the two. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yes, thank you,  young man." The mother said. Cedric nodded and the two ran.

The chaos slowly subsided and Y/N was tired. He was able to drive them back, but he actually only intended to slow them down.

"Morsmorde!" A voice shouted. Harry, who was knocked out in the middle of all of the commotion, woke up to the sight of a snake coming from a skull's mouth.

Y/N saw his brother and ran to help him. He had several cuts on his face and chest. "Harry, you okay?" "Yeah, what happened to you?" "Fighting those guys, what's that, besides ugly?" "I don't know."

Ginny, Hermione, and Ron arrived to help the two, only for stunning spells to be aimed at them. Y/N blocked them away from the others.

"Stop, those are my son and daughter." Author's voice rang out. He was then seen rushing to them. "Kids, are you okay?" Everyone nodded. Aurors surrounded them with their wanda drawn.

"Which one of you conjured it?" Crouch said. "Barty, you can't possibly." Author started to say, but was interrupted. "Don't lie to me, you were discovered at the scene of a crime." "Barty, they're just kids."

"What crime?" Harry asked. "It's the dark mark, Harry. It's his mark." Ginny said. She then began holding him while he held her. "Then I was holding back his followers." Y/N said.

"Death eaters." Crouch told them. "There was a man standing there." Harry said, pointing at a clearing nearby. "Follow me." Crouch said.

"What man, Harry?" Author asked. "I don't know, I didn't see his face." Harry said.

The group returned to the port key and Y/N got back on his bike.

Once everyone returned to the burrow, Molly immediately asked questions and everyone told her their side of the story. While she didn't like the fact that Y/N stayed back to fight them, but she did understand why and healed him.

It wasn't long before it was time to go to Hogwarts. Y/N was the only student who didn't get in the car. Preferring his motorcycle. Since Y/N didn't have a license or certificate to ride, he decided to keep hidden in the clouds.

The group was on the train before long, and was on their way to Hogwarts with Hermione ready the daily prophet.

"They don't have a single idea of who it could be, isn't there any security?" Hermione asked.

"Loads, according to Dad, that's why they're worried, it happened right under their noses." Ron said. Ginny and Harry sat together and Y/N was thanking Molly for the chicken legs she packed him.

Molly thought he earned a reward for defending the group against the death eaters and Y/N loved chicken legs. So she got a medium sized bag for him.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The trolley lady said. "A packet of drewballs." Ron said. The others decided. Harry, Ginny, and Hermione weren't hungry and Y/N had his chicken legs.

"Two pumpkin pasties please." A voice said. Everyone looked and saw Cho Chang. "Aren't you the Ravenclaw seeker?" Y/N said. "Yes, why do you have a bag in your hands?" "So I can enjoy my chicken legs."

Cho nodded and left the group. "I never knew anyone who would ask for something like chicken legs for a reward." Ron said. "What can I say, I love chicken legs." Y/N said. "If he becomes prefect, he'll probably ask for a bag that summons chicken legs." Ginny said. "I wouldn't put it past him." Harry said. The others laughed at this.

"Laugh all you want, but chicken legs take me back to the first day Harry and I moved in to the burrow." Y/N said, pointing a chicken leg at them before eating it.

Everyone looked at him. "Hey, I didn't know that." Harry said. "Oh yeah, it's the first thing we ate that day." Y/N said. He then proceeded to enjoy the meat. Y/N did offer some to the others, but they turned him down.

Fred and George arrived not long afterwards. "Hey, you lot. Y/N's eating chicken legs again?"George said. The others nodded. "Can you blame me?" Y/N said. "No, but you may want to lay off, we'll be at the castle soon." "Lucky, I only had four." Y/N said.

"Anyway, we just wanted to let you know that Mclaggen says he's planning on getting with Hermione before he graduates." Fred said. "Isn't that the meat head a year ahead of us?" "Yep, we tried to tell him not to, but he is persistent." George said. The two then left.

"Great, now I have Mclaggen on me." Hermione said. "Don't sweat it, Hermione. If he tries anything, I'll feed him his teeth. He makes me want to eat a chicken leg." Y/N said. "Why?" Harry asked. "So I can forget he exists." Y/N said. The others laughed.

"Hello everyone." A voice said. They turned to see a blonde haired girl with a spaced out expression. "Hello, Luna." Ginny said. "May I join you?" Luna asked. "Go ahead." Hermione said. Luna sat down next to Hermione.

"Boys, this is Luna Lovegood. Luna, this is Ron, Harry, and Y/N. You've already met Ginny and me." Hermione said. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." She said. The boys nodded.

"I hope we get to Hogwarts soon, I could use some pudding." Luna said. "I could go for some F/F myself, can't get enough of that." Y/N said. "And here we thought you want chicken legs." Ron said.

Y/N put up two fingers. "Chicken legs are a close second compared to F/F. If I can have both of them in the same course then I'm fine dining right there." He said. "Might want to keep that in mind, Hermione." Harry said. "Shut up." Hermione said.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now