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Molly had just finished breakfast when she had Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Y/N help get everyone up.

Harry got Fred and George. Hermione got Ron. Y/N and Ginny got Charlie and Bill. Author got Percy.

Everyone ate and Molly had decided to let Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Y/N head out on their own time. Y/N got Sirius' motorcycle and could use it to fly, and the others could apparate.

"You going to be okay?" Harry asked. "No problem. As soon as you guys get to the location, I'll ride. I can use the clouds to stay out of sight, finding you won't be an issue, and Sirius and Dad use to ride this on a daily basis." Y/N said.

Harry and Y/N fist bumped and Y/N went inside to pack. Harry and the others went onwards.

"Where are we going, Dad?" Ron asked. "Haven't the foggiest idea, keep up." Author said.

After a little bit longer, someone could be heard. "Author, it's about time you got here."

The owner of the voice was a man who was about the same size and Author with glasses and a walking stick.

"Sorry about that Amos, some of us had a sleepy start." Author said, referring to Ron and Harry. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He works with me at the ministry." Just then a young man dropped from the tree. "And this strapping young man must be Cedric, am I right?"

"Yes sir." Cedric said.

The others were walking to a certain location when Amos sees Harry. "Merlin's beard, Harry Potter." Amos said. " "Yes sir." The two shake hands and continue on their way. On the way there, Amos was bragging about Cedric beating Harry at Quidditch, with his son saying that he only won because of dementors.

The group continued to a hill, with an old boot on top of it. "Why is everyone gathering around that old boot?" Harry asked.

"Because it's not just an old boot, mate?" Fred said. "It's a port key." George said. "What's a port key?" Harry asked.

"Put a hand on it and you'll find out." Ginny said. Harry did so, as well as everyone else.

"Alright 1 2 3." Amos said. The group then lifted off the ground. The group was spinning at high speed until Author told them to let go.

They did and everyone except Author, Amos, and Cedric to hit the ground, with them landing softly.

The others were helped up, and we're heading to their sight.

Y/N saw through Hermione's eyes that they had landed and got on the motorcycle. "Everyone landed, so I'm taking off." "Have a good time dear." Y/N nodded and started up the motorcycle.

Taking to the sky, Y/N kept to the clouds to keep hidden from the muggles, but this didn't hinder him from finding the others.

He eventually arrived outside of the location where tents are seen. He parked the bike out of sight and ran to catch up with the others.

Hermione and Ginny were looking around and enjoying the sights when Y/N finds them quickly.

"You are fast." Ginny said, "What can I say, I don't mess around, sorry I couldn't bring you Hermione." Y/N said.

"Oh, no problem, I don't like flying anyway and I needed to go ahead so you can find us." She said. "Where's Harry, I thought he'd stick with Ginny?" Y/N asked.

"He's back at our tent, with the rest of our group, where's Bill, Charlie, and Percy?" Ginny said. "The Burrow, they'll be at our tent later." Y/N said.

Eventually, they arrived at the tent with buckets of water that Y/N carried with no problem. Bill, Charlie, and Percy arrived a moment ago and the others were there for a while.

"Y/N, Charlie told me about the sword, as much as I don't want to say this, congratulations on your new weapon." Percy said.

"Thanks, Percy, Hermione thinks it may have something to do with my dragon's breath." Y/N said. "It might explain why you're able to do so."

"Do you still have the sword?" Charlie asked. Y/N put his hand in a pocket and pulled out the sword. "Undetectable extension charm. I put it on all of my clothes pockets and trunks. It allows me to keep items I need on hand." Y/N said.

"Everyone, come out, we're getting food made, did Y/N arrive yet?" Author's voice rang. "Just arrived with water." Y/N said. "I knew you would find them first."

Everyone came out and saw Author with another man, who turned out to be Ludo Bagman. Author got the tickets from him.

Everyone gathered around and ate, with Y/N keeping his dragon sword nearby. Fred and George decided to gamble with Bagman. They win if Ireland wins, but Krum catches the snitch.

Some of the others figured the match would take a few days. Harry hoped it would. Percy hoped it wouldn't. "My inbox would be filled to the brim." He said. "Yeah, you wouldn't want another bag of dragon dong and troll sperm exploding on you." Fred said.

"That was a poorly packaged bag of contaminated fertilizer from Romania, it wasn't personal." Percy said.

"It was personal." George told Hermione.

"I know, Y/N sent it." She said. Y/N smiled at this. He only wished he had a picture of the event.

Everyone went to the stadium for the game after lunch. "Hey Dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked. "Well let me put it to you this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know." A voice said.

Everyone looked down and saw Lucius Malfoy with Goyle behind him. Crabbe and Draco were behind them.

"While you lot had to buy your tickets, we were personally invited by Cornelius Fudge himself." Goyle said. "Now Goyle there's no need to tell them that." Lucius said.

He then places the snake mouth on Harry's foot to hold him still. "Do enjoy yourself, won't you, while you can." He said. Y/N kicked it off his brother. "Touch anyone in my group with that glorified walking stick again and I will break it." He told Lucius.

"You wouldn't dare, it's a family heirloom." "Try me." The two then left.

Once everyone got to their seats, fireworks of a Leprechaun were visible. It was wearing green from head to toe and it was dancing.

On the other side of the field, Veela were dancing. The dance was hypnotizing most of the men. Harry and Y/N weren't effected because they were soul bonded to Ginny and Hermione respectfully.

The players arrived and an announcer was standing in the middle of the stands. He then put his wand to his neck. "Good evening, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you. Let the match begin." He said.

Ireland won the match, but Krum caught the snitch, meaning the twins won the bet. The twins were dancing around the tent singing the Irish song.

"There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist." Ron said.

"Think you're in love, Ron." Ginny said. The twins heard that and decided to sing. "Victor,  I love you! Victor I do!" The twins sang, Harry eventually joins in. "When we're apart my heart beats only for youuu!" Y/N just stood there and smiled, enjoying the good times.

A loud noise got everyone's attention. "Sounds like the Irish have their pride on." Fred said.

Author bursted into the tent with a worried expression on his face. "Stop! It's not the Irish, we have to go now." Everyone got out with Hermione's saber in Y/N's hand.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now