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It was night time and Harry and his friends were at the Goblet of Fire.

Harry and Ron were going most of the others, waiting to see who was going to put their name in. Hermione and Ginny were reading, Hermione as a hobby, and Ginny was trying to tune out her roommates. Y/N was practicing with the sword of Hogwarts.

Cedric had put his name in and then rejoined his friends. Ron tried to say hi, but Cedric was rushed and didn't see him.

"Eternal glory, imagine it in three years when we're old enough to compete." Ron said. "Yeah, rather you than me." Harry said. "You two do remember that I don't have that luxury, right?" Y/N said. "Sorry." Harry and Ron said.

"Yes!" A pair of voices filled the room. Just then Fred and George came in with a vial per twin. "We did it." Fred said. "Finished it just this morning." George said.

"It's not going to work." Hermione sang. The two got on either side of her. "Oh, yeah." Fred said. "And what makes you so sure?" George asked.

"See this?" Hermione said, pointing out a misty circle around the Goblet of Fire. "This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself." "So?" Fred asked. Hermione closed her book. "So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dim witted as an aging potion." She said. "But that's why it's so brilliant." Fred said. "Because it's so pathetically dim witted."

The two then got just up to the goblet, outside the age line and shock up their vials. "Ready Fred?" "Ready George." The two then opened the vials. "Bottoms up." They then drank the potions while crossing each other's arms.

They then jumped in the age line. "Yes." They celebrated their small victory and then put their names in. They thought they succeeded, but the goblet blasted both of them across the room and then their hair turned white and they grew beards.

Y/N whistled. "That's some age line." The twins began to fight, with the crowd cheering them on. This ended when Victor came in and put his name in the goblet, eyeing Hermione half the time.

Y/N caught wind of this and figured out why he was going to have to fight the Durmstrang swordsman.

A few nights later and the schools were in the great hall. Dumbledore approached the center of the room. "Now for the moment we've been waiting for. The three champions to be selected for the tri-wizard tournament." He said. "But first, would the three sword users stand at my side."

Y/N, Aimee, and Aleksandr stood up and went to Dumbledore. The three were then instructed to go to the next room. They left without a second thought.

One of the slips of paper had blasted out of the goblet and Dumbledore caught it. "The Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour."

The girl that most of the boys were eyeing stood up and walked over to the elder wizard. He then had her go to the next room with the sword users.

Another slip shot out of the goblet. "The Durmstrang champion is Victor Krum." The other students from Durmstrang congratulated him and he went to Dumbledore, who then had him follow Fleur.

A third slip shot out and Dumbledore caught it. "The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory." Cedric and his friends were happy about this and he followed Fleur and Victor.

"Excellent, we now have our three champions, but in the end only one will obtain the eternal glory of victory. The tri-wizard cup." Dumbledore said.

He then pointed at a cloth that launched itself into the air, revealing a silver triangular cup with three sapphire sides and three handles.

The goblet released another slip of paper and Dumbledore took a look at it. He didn't believe it and first, but he read it out loud. "Harry Potter."

The room was quite with disbelief and nobody was cheering. Dumbledore read the name again. Then again.

Harry was just as confused as everyone else. Harry didn't put his name in the goblet and would have loved a chance to be a normal teenager and spend time with his friends, especially Ginny.

He approached his grandfather figure, and saw the slip that had his name on it. He didn't believe it himself. He then went into the next room where he saw the champions and the sword users.

"Harry, who put you up to this?" Y/N asked. "I don't know, but my name came out of the goblet of fire." Harry told him. "That can't be good." Harry agreed with his twin.

The other champions and sword users were looking at him like he was crazy. "What, people have died in this tournament, and Harry was looking forward to not putting his life on the line this year."

"Harry, Harry." Dumbledore's voice came in. The wizard them pinned him to a nearby shelf. "Did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" He asked. "No, sir." Harry said. "Did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?" "No, sir." "You're absolutely sure?" "Yes, sir."

"Well, of course he is lying." Madame Maxime said after entering the room. "To hell he is, the goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful artifact, only an exceptionally powerful spell could have confounded it. Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year." Moody said.

"You've seemed to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-eye." Kakoroff said. "It was once my job to think as dark wizards do, Kakoroff, perhaps you remember." Moody said.

"That doesn't help, Alastor. We'll leave the decision to you, Barty." Dumbledore said. "The goblet of fire creates a binding magical contract. Mr. Potter has no choice. He is, as of tonight, a tri-wizard champion." Crouch said.

Y/N felt bad for his brother. He was in the same boat as him. Now he knew that the two of them were in this tournament together.

Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Moody and Snape were in the headmaster's office, with Dumbledore looking over a bowl.

"This can't go on, Albus. First, the dark mark, now this." McGonagall said. "What do you suggest we do?" Dumbledore asked. "Put an end to it. Don't let Harry compete. Y/N can take care of himself." "You heard Barty, the rules are clear." "To the devil with Barty and his rules, and since when did you abide by them anyway?" McGonagall asked.

Snape then decided to offer a solution. "Headmaster, I too fail to see these events as coincidence, however if we are to understand the meaning behind them we should, for the time being, let them unfold." He said.

Professor McGonagall was flabbergasted by the very idea. "Do nothing, offer him up as bait? Harry is a boy, not a piece of meat." She said.

"I agree, with Severus." Dumbledore said. "Alastor, keep an eye on Harry?" "I can do that." Moody said. "Don't let him know, he must be anxious enough as it is knowing what lies ahead, but then again we all are." He said as put his want to his temple and pulled out a stream of light.

He then put it into the bowl and it showed Harry's name written on a slip.

In the Gryffindor tower, Harry and Ron were the only ones awake when Ron decided to ask a question that has been bugging him. "How did you do it?"

Harry looked at him. "Never mind, you could have let me know though." He said. Harry looked at him confused. "Let you know what?" "You know bloody well what." "I didn't ask for this to happen Ron, okay."

Ron didn't respond, Harry got irritated and approached his bed. "I didn't put my name in that cup. I don't want eternal glory. I just want to be a normal teenage wizard soul bonded with Ginny." He said.

After Ron looked at him, Harry continued. "Look, I don't know what happened, and I don't know why, it just did."

After saying his piece, Harry went to bed. "Piss off." Ron said under his breath. "Now is not the time to get upset, Ron."

Ron looked up and saw Y/N. "I believe him. Harry wouldn't do anything like that, he's like me like that. If anything, I would suspect he would be happy to sit this out." He then went to bed.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now