Chapter 1

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Warning/s- none.


"So what's happening?" I ask the cookies, walking into the meeting room.

Herb cookie, Madeline cookie, Espresso cookie and Pastry cookie turn to face me.

"Well as you know, your brother is... occupied, and you're the next best!" Herb cookie says excitedly.

My brother is Werewolf cookie. We're not blood related, but he raised me so I classify him as my brother. A few years ago he got a girlfriend, Tiger Lily cookie, and he's stopped going into battle since. Before he stopped going into battle, he was a charge. And since he raised me I obviously followed his footsteps and became a charge too.

"Right. What are we doing exactly?" I ask them.

"We're going into battle. At the Tower." Espresso says. I nod in response.

I walk over to them and look at the map on the table.

"We'll camp here. We'll send a few of us to scope out the surroundings and then we'll attack. The plan is to be out there 3 days and get out. Got it?" Madeline says, pointing out some places.

We all nod in agreement. He tells us to pack our stuff ready for tonight.

I walk home and sigh. Werewolf's girlfriend is most likely going to be there. It's not that I didn't like her. It's just that it's really awkward between us. I never new what to say or do around her.

I open the door to our house, walking inside.

"Your home early. What did they say?" He asks, sitting on the couch with his girlfriend.

"I'm leaving tonight. I'll be back in a few days." I say before walking into my room.

I pull out my bag and pack the stuff I need. Clothes, food, sleeping bag, tent.

I stare at my room for a bit before I leave. It's a strange sight. My large, round circular bed in the middle and multiple posters around the room. There's a average sized window on the far wall and some stuffed teddies scatter on the floor. (I like teddies so thought I'd put it in lmao).

I wave bye to my brother and Tiger Lily and leave the house, shutting the door behind me.

I walk over to the stables and see my sugar horse. She's a yellow horse with a few splotches of brown on her coat. I saddle my sugar horse (is this a thing now? Cause multiple fanfics have these sugar horses) and attach my sleeping bag to the side of it. I stroke the side of her face and think for a minute. I haven't given her a name yet. I think I'll call her Dandy. Short for dandelion.

I jump on the saddle and flick the reins, causing her to run forward.

We leave the kingdom and go to the place Madeline said we're setting up camp. I jump off my horse and look around. Everyone but Espresso cookie has arrived already.

"Ah, Y/n cookie! You're finally here!" Herb says, walking over to me with open arms.

He wraps them around me and I hit him across the head. I don't like physical contact.

"I apologise Y/n." He cautiously says rubbing his head, healing himself.

I set up my tent in the far corner of the camp and tie Dandy to the tree next to it.

A little later Espresso arrives and we all sit around the fire in the middle of camp.

They all talk and try to make conversation with me which makes everything really awkward.

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