Chapter 9

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Warning/s- none.
A/n- I apologise if this is rude at all but please try to not spam the comments because I'm normally trying to sleep. Apologies again if its rude. :,)


The bedroom door bursts open, startling us awake. I look over to Werewolf fuming at the doorway.

"What's going in here?" He asks, pointing between Red Velvet and I.

I look at him confused before realising. Red Velvets head is in the nook of my neck and his arm across my waist. He pulls himself off me and we sit up awkwardly.

"It's not what it looks like. I swear." I say to Werewolf. He storms out of the room, aggressively mumbling to himself.

I glare at red Velvet before standing up to go to Werewolf. I find him storming around the lounge room, pacing up and down aggressively.

"Are you ok?" I ask him. He stops pacing and looks up at me, confusing covering his face.

"Did you sleep with him?" Werewolf asks. I look back at him in shock.

"What? No. Why would you think that?" I ask in shock.

"I did walk in to... whatever that was." He replies.

"I didn't know that was happening." I reply.

"Why is he here anyways?" Werewolf asks aggressively.

"He was helping me get back to the kingdom. He's basically the reason you're alive right now." I answer. Werewolf just grunted in response.

Red Velvet walks out of the bedroom and we both turn to face him.

"Everything ok?" He asks. Werewolf just frowns and walks off to his room.

"What was that?" I aggressively ask Red Velvet. He looks at me confused and I point to the room.

"Oh, sorry. It's a habit. Normally Chiffon sleeps on the bed with me." He replies calmly.

"Right." I say, frowning.

I go to the bathroom to tidy myself up. My hair, my and my clothing. I grab a bag and ignore Red Velvet as I walk out of the hotel room and walk around the town. The town and the people there are quite nice.

I trade some of the food I have for coins. I got to the small shop that's in the town and get some basic stuff. I get Werewolf a new shirt since there's a large hole on the side of his current one and get some more supplies.

I walk back to the hotel and open the door to an completely quiet place. I assume Red Velvet is in our, his, room and Werewolf is in his. I open the door, greeting Werewolf, and give him the shirt before walking back out.

I don't really know what to do with myself so I just walk around aimlessly. I start to make lunch for everyone, giving me something useful to do.

I tell the males lunch is ready and they come out of their rooms. Werewolf thanks me for the food before looking at Red Velvet in disgust, leaving back to his room. I sit there awkwardly with Red Velvet as we eat.

After we finish our food we just sit there silently.

"When should we get going?" He asks.

"Tonight, maybe. Tomorrow afternoon at the latest." I answer.

It goes back to the awkward silence again. What do I say? I can't really talk about what happened this morning.

"How's Chiffon?" I ask.

"He's good. Currently sleeping our bed." He replies.

I nod with a slight hesitation. Our bed? What do I say to that? I don't think he realised what he said. Or maybe he does and it doesn't affect him. I go to say something but got interrupted by Werewolf opening his door.

He side eyes us before leaving the hotel room. It's silent for a few minutes longer before Werewolf comes back in, panicked.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Werewolf asks.

I nod and follow him into his room, shutting the door behind us.

"We need to leave." He says, urgency in his voice. I look back at him confused.

"Why?" I ask back, crossing my arms.

Werewolf stares down at the floor, shame and guilt filling his face. "When I was younger, I was staying around this town. I tried stealing from one of the families here. They caught me and I thought they would shoot me, but they didn't. They gave me you. I- I tried turning them down but they offered money. So I accepted. I needed the money. I should've told you this sooner."

I stare at him in horror. "I've had a family this whole time?! And you didn't tell me! I could've grown up like a normal kid!" I shout.

I open the door and storm out of the hotel. Werewolf and Red Velvet keep shouting at me. Tears sting the corners of my eyes as I start to run. I run until my legs cant move any longer.

I retire at a small cliff. I sit against a tree not far from it and sigh, tears streaming down my face. I think I made lunch a bit late because the sun is starting to set.

It's very beautiful. The colours mixing to fade into a pinkish orange. I sit there for a bit, watching the sunset.

Someone starts shouting. Shouting my name to be exact. I frown to myself. Why can't I just be left alone?

"Y/n?" They shout as they get closer and closer.

Red Velvet eventually appears at the cliffs edge. He looks like he's about to give up on looking for me before turning around.

"Are you ok? Your brother threw me out to come look for you." He says, sitting down next to me.

I turn myself away from him, frowning. I don't want him to see me like this... again.

"Talk to me." He says.

I hesitate before turning to face him slightly. I tell him what Werewolf told me and bury my face in my hands. He hesitantly puts his arm around me, pulling me into a hug.

I lean against his shoulder and sigh. I uncover my face and relax for the first time in a while. The sun has fully set now and the stars and moon are now shining down on the land below.

Red Velvets finger traces circles on my arm. It's really comforting in a way. I inhale the scent of vanilla essence and red velvet cake once again. This time it's a soothing and peaceful smell.

I turn my head to look at Red Velvet and he does the same. I don't know what to think of this moment and by how he's looking at me, he doesn't either.

I stare into his eyes. His pretty eyes. His eyes flicker from my eyes and lips once again. I ignore it this time. It's not like I can do anything about it. This situation is better than being with my brother anyways. Would I even call him my brother?

I push the thoughts out of my head and focus back on Red velvet. Our faces seem closer than before. That's strange. It seems they're continuing to grow closer and closer.

I prepare myself as our lips are almost touching. Instead, he gives me a small kiss on my nose and turns his head away flustered. I laugh at him and he smiles, looking back at me.

And that's when it happened. The first snow of the season.


A/n: prepare yourselves 😩

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