Chapter 10

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Wooo 10 chapters 🥳
Warning/s- Swearing.
I'm really bad a writing romance (like smooches) so don't judge 😀


We walked back to the hotel room as snow fell down all around us. It was a quiet walk back. We made awkward glances, smiling at each other. It was silent when we got back to the hotel room. We assumed Werewolf was in his room and we went to ours. Ours?

I woke up the next morning curled up against Red Velvet, his arm around me. I crawl out, trying not to wake him up and leave the room. Werewolf's sitting at the table when I walk out.

"Good morning." He says. I ignore him and go into the kitchen to get myself a drink.

Red Velvet walks out and I turn to greet him joyfully. He smiles and greets me back in the same tone I used.

Werewolf mumbles something to himself, causing him to deeply frown. I look at him and cross my arms.

"Do you have something to share?" I ask Werewolf.

"You're treating the enemy with such kindness and not your brother." He says to me.

"You say brother I say selfish bitch who took me from my family." I reply.

He slams his fist down on the table and storms off to his room. I turn to face Red Velvet.

"We should get going again soon." I say.

"Oh. Alright." He says before walking to his room.

And just like that I'm left alone again. Great.

I shout to Werewolf that we're leaving soon and I don't get a response. I go buy coats for everyone and sit at the table, waiting until everyone's ready.

Red Velvet walks out with his bag and turns the bedroom light off. Werewolf comes out of his room and sits outside.

We walk out and discuss who'll ride the horses. We agree that Red Velvet and I will ride the horses and Werewolf will walk. I pass them their coats and lock the door behind us. We thank the mayor for letting us stay and head off. Red Velvet and I make casual small talk as we walk.

Red Velvet makes awkward eye contact with me every now and again and I frown at him.

"What?" I ask.

He glances at Werewolf, who's several metres in front of us, and looks back at me.

"Can we talk about yesterday?" He whispers.

"What? No. Not right now. Not while we're with him." I whisper back.

He nods and turns his head away from me, focusing on the path ahead.

We walk for a bit longer in silence. Eventually, we find a place to stop and rest. Around 10 minutes later we start up again and continue to walk for a few more hours.

It starts to get dark so we decide to stop and set up camp. Werewolf walks off, saying he's getting firewood, and Red Velvet sits down next to me. I get butterflies in my stomach from this but I play it off and act fine.

"Can we talk now?" He asks, looking at me.

"What is there to talk about?" I ask back, staring down at the floor.

"I think you know." He says. He was right. I do know.

"What part of yesterday would you like t0 talk about?" I ask, trying to avoid the question.

"Stop playing dumb Y/n." He says back firmly.

I look up at him, meeting his eyes, and feel myself start to blush.

"There's nothing to talk about. Just drop it." I say, looking back down at the floor.

I did want to talk about it. I wanted to know why he comforted me. Why he didn't kiss me. I had so many questions but they were going to stay unanswered.

Werewolf comes back and we help him build and light the fire. We pass the food around and start to eat. Red Velvet says goodnight to both of us, taking his bag into the tent for what I'm assuming is to see Chiffon.

Werewolf looks up at me and goes to say something before I stand up.

"I'm going for a walk." I say to Werewolf before leaving. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to talk to anyone.

I walk a few metres before stopping and leaning against a tree. I sigh and stand there for a bit, unsure what to do.

Shouting comes from the camp. Very loud and aggressive shouting. I run back to see the males going at each other. They're throwing punches and throwing each other to the floor.

Werewolf picks Red Velvet up by his collar and raises his fist. Red Velvets face is drenched with jam and he's crumbling like crazy.

"What's wrong with you?!" I shout at Werewolf.

I shove Werewolf into a tree hard, causing him to drop Red Velvet. He stands up and storms off to his tent.

I get the first aid kit and sit in front of Red Velvet. I start to clean his wounds and its quite hard because of where I am.

I sigh and move onto his lap, flustered. It's a lot easier to clean his wounds now.

"How did this start?" I ask.

"He said I did something to you." He responds back to me.

He deeply stares into my eyes which makes me blush. I finish cleaning his wounds and rest my palms on his cheeks. His hands glide up my legs and rest on my hips.

I run my fingers through his hair and he smiles. My hands glide down to the back of his neck and I pull him in closer to my face. Our noses touch and we smile at each other, staring intently into each other's eyes.

I make the first move and kiss him. I'm not to sure why. He kisses back and we sit there, embracing this moment. I pull myself away before it goes to far and he smiles.

"What was that for?" He asks smugly.

"Your lip split and I had to help it get better." I say back in the same tone.

I slide off his lap and sit down next to him. He stands up and walks over to his tent before stopping to face me.

"Are you coming?" He asks.

"No. I wont have a sleeping bag because Werewolf has mine." I reply, staring into the fire.

"We could share?" He responds.

I look up at him and shrug. I stand up and we crawl into the tent. Chiffon greets us by running and barking around our feet.

Red Velvet goes into the sleeping bag first. I slide in after and its a perfect fit, like a puzzle piece. My head neatly fits under his and his arms wrap around me perfectly.

I cuddle in closer and inhale his sweet scent. His fingers glide up and down my back in a really comforting way.

My eyes start to grow heavy ad I rest my hand on his chest. He somehow figures out I'm tired and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I take this as confirmation that I can sleep and smile.

This is one of the happiest moments I've experienced in a while. To bad its ending soon. I like it here.

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