Chapter 11

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Warning/s- none


I wake up to an empty sleeping bag. I crawl out of the tent and yawn. I find Red Velvet playing with Chiffon and Werewolf sitting and eating. This is strange. Why are they being nice to each other? Why is Werewolf fine with Red Velvets cake?

"Morning." I say to them.

They both turn to face me and I awkwardly look between the both of them, intimidated.

"Good morning. We'll leave soon. We figured out your kingdom isn't to far now." Red Velvet says. I nod, confused. We? What happened when I was asleep?

I eat some of the food we have and help pack up the camp. Red Velvet walks today while Werewolf and I ride the horses.

The males were right. The kingdom wasn't much further. We go there in no time.

Outside the gates we go off the horses. Red Velvet let us keep one since he can't take both. Werewolf glances at Red Velvet and sighs.

"Thank you." Werewolf says, sticking out his hand for Red Velvet. They embrace in a handshake which confuses me even more.

Werewolf walks off to the gate, leaving me alone with Red Velvet.

"I guess this is it." I say sadly, looking up at him. He keeps his eyes focused on floor and nods.

"I guess it is." He responds.

I embrace him in a hug and he does the same. We stand there for a bit before pulling away. He rests his hands on my waist and my hands sit on his arms.

"See you on the battlefield, then." I say in a joking way, trying to lighten the mood.

He just nods, looking sadly at the floor. He removes his hands and our arms drop down to our sides.

"Travel safe." I say before walking off hesitantly.

I turn back to see him one last time but he's already gone. I turn back around and start heading towards the gates.

The guards announce our arrival and were swarmed by dozens of people. We push through the crowd and walk to our house. We put the horse in a free stable and go inside.

Tiger Lily greets us in relief. She wraps her arms around Werewolf and goes on and on how worried she was. I watch them from the doorway, a slight smile on my face. She lets go of him and looks at me. I drop the smile from my face and look down at the floor.

"Are you ok, Y/n?" She asks. I nod and walk to my room, shutting the door.

I sit on my bed and cover my face. My door opens and shuts again softly. I look up to see Tiger Lily sitting on the bed next to me.

"What is wrong?" She asks.

I tell her about everything that happened. I tell her about the Tower, Poison Mushroom, the cell, Red Velvet what Werewolf told me. I'm not to sure why I'm telling her this. We've never had a good relationship.

I focus on Red Velvet a lot. Everything that's happened between us. She just sits there and listens. When I finish, I look up at her. She brings me into a hug and I sigh.

"He'll come back for you." She says before walking out.

I sit there for a bit in silence. My door opens and I expect Werewolf or Tiger Lily as I look up. It's neither of them. It's Herb.

I stand up and walk over to him, bringing him into a hug. He hesitantly hugs me back and I smile.

"I was at the bar and Vampire said you were back so I wanted to see how you were doing." He says, pulling away.

"I'm managing." I say back plainly. He nods and sighs.

"Well if you need anything, don't be afraid to come down to the bar." He says before leaving.

It's like this for the rest of the day. Cookies coming in and asking how I am and interrogating me about what happened. I don't respond to half of them with the questions they ask.

Pastry comes in and asks about the Tower. I tell her that I didn't see much because I was in the cell most of the time. She thinks I'm hiding stuff from her and storms out of the house.

I throw myself onto my bed and sigh. I haven't heard from Madeleine or Espresso so I assume I'll see them tomorrow. I rub my face and go to sleep. It's nice being in my own bed again.


(This is a time skip)

I wake up and stare up at my roof. I've been home a few days now. I still haven't talked to Werewolf but it seems I've talked to absolutely everyone in the kingdom.

I did end up seeing Espresso and Madeleine. They apologised for everything that happened. I tell them its fine and nothing happened to me.

I've started to train more so its easier to avoid the cookies asking questions and giving myself something to do instead of sitting around all day. I grab my sword and go find Dandy, my sugar horse, out the back, riding off to the training centre.

I frown as we arrive. Normally it's empty, forgotten about. Now it packed with dozens of cookies. I assume this means they're getting ready to go out again.

I turn Dandy the other way and go to one of the fields just outside the kingdoms gates. I've been here a couple of times. A few times with Werewolf to train when I was younger and a few times with Herb so he could teach me about wild flowers.

I tied Dandy to a tree and get started. I don't do much. I swing my sword around and run laps around the field. I do this for hours without stopping.

When I do eventually stop I stare into the sky, sword dangling down next to me. I shut my eyes and take a deep, slow breath. It feels like time stops. The air goes still and the forest next to me goes silent.

It gets disturbed by a rustling in the bushes. I point my sword at the bush and stand on guard. I take short and fast breaths as I glare at the bushes. It feels like something stares back at me.

I slowly start to move closer. If somethings in there, it'll come out one way or another. I stop moving and frown at myself. What am I thinking? It's probably just an animal from the forest.

I shake my head and drop my arms down, walking towards Dandy.

"Guess old habits are hard to break, then?" A voice says behind me.

I flip my head around to find no one there. Strange. The winds start to blow faster as I look around me. Some bushes start to shake and rustle and everything gets unusually loud.

"Red Velvet?" I ask into the emptiness.

Everything stops. The wind stops blowing and the bushes stop rustling. Hope grows a little inside. It slowly disappears and I frown at myself. Red Velvet isn't here, he's at the Tower. Everything that just happened now is a coincidence. Im just imagining things.

I walk to Dandy and jump on her. I flick her reins and she breaks off into a run. A tear rolls down my face and I wipe it off.

I have to admit it to myself at some point. I miss Red Velvet.

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