Chapter 13

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Warning/s- swearing


I wake up with a headache pounding on my head. It was a frustration to fall asleep last night, head ringing with thoughts of Red Velvet.

I walk out into the lounge room and stare in shock. Pastry's sitting on the lounge, back facing towards me, and Werewolf sitting next to her.

"Good morning. Pastry's here to talk to you." He says. Pastry turns to face me and smiles. I scoff and roll my eyes, walking out of the house. I don't want to talk to her. She took Red Velvet from me.

I get Dandy and ride off into town. I'm not to sure where to go. I ride around aimlessly until I reach a destination. I put my sugar horse in the stables out the back and walk into the bar.

"Hello Y/n! What would you like to order?" Sparkling cookie asks. I smile and sit at the bar next to Vampire with his head on the table.

"Nothing yet." I reply. Vampire groans next to me and sighs.

"Get me my usual. It'll help my hangover." Vampire says in a whiny voice.

Sparkling smiles and shakes his head, making the drink. The bell of the bar door rings, signalling the door opened.

"Sorry I'm late! Oh Y/n! What are you doing here?" Herb asks, sitting down next to me.

"I don't know." I say, shrugging.

We sit there and chat for a bit. Vampire and Sparkling moved down the bar and started talking amongst themselves. They occasionally look over at us and start laughing. I ignore it because Vampire is drunk and probably talking shit.

It's a bit therapeutic talking with Herb. I loose track of time talking to him. It's late in the afternoon when I realise the time. I smile at Herb and and he smiles back.

"Thanks for letting me talk today. I've needed it." I say. I'm really grateful for him being my friend.

"It's fine! It seemed like you really needed it." He says back.

We sit there quiet for a bit, staring and smiling at each other. Herb leans in and kisses me. I push him away and look at him confused.

"What was that?" I ask in shock.

"Sorry. I thought it was the right time." He says back, face red from embarrassment.

"What? No. I don't like you like... that. You're a friend to me." I say back.

"Right. I forgot about your boyfriend." He says, frowning at the floor.

I frown and leave the bar. I get Dandy and ride her to my field that I go to. Why would Herb think Red Velvets my boyfriend? He's a friend, that's all. I tie Dandy to a tree and walk to the centre of the field.

I don't even know what I'm doing. I don't have my sword so I can't train. I lie down on the floor and sigh. I stare up at the clouds. I shut my eyes as I'm caressed by the soft winter air.

"You followed me. Didn't you?" I ask, opening my eyes and sitting up.

"I want to talk about Red Velvet." Pastry says back. I stand up and turn to face her, frowning.

"What about?" I ask.

"Why did he come here? What did he tell you at the gates?" She asks.

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