Chapter 8

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Warning/s- short chapter 😪


I wake up and stare at the empty sleeping bag across from me. I stand up and leave the tent to find Red Velvet sitting on the floor with Chiffon.

"Morning." I say.

"Not morning. It's the middle of the day." He says back.

"You should've woken me up." I mumble, sitting down across from him.

It feels awkward between us because of what happened yesterday in the field. I don't know what to say or do around him now.

"We should get to your kingdom tomorrow. Not to much further." He says to me.

"Why is it taking so long to get there?" I ask. When I was going to invade the Tower it didn't take long to get there.

"Because of where we left the Tower. We left around the back and because of how big the Tower is, it took us the first day and a half to get to the front towards your kingdom." He answers.

"We should get moving then." I say, standing back up. He nods and helps me to pack up the camp.

We put Werewolf onto my horse and Red Velvet gets on his. We start walking in the direction of the castle in silence for a bit.

"Do you know if there's any towns on the way?" I ask Red Velvet after a bit.

"Maybe. Why?" He asks back.

"So we could get some food. And maybe a healer for Werewolf." I answer.

He nods and we go quiet again for a bit. We decide to stop and have a rest for a bit before starting off again.

"Sorry about yesterday. In the field." Red Velvet says.

"It's fine." I hesitate. It's not fine. That was really awkward and he decided to bring it up.

"Are you ok?" He asks looking over at me. I nod, extremely flustered, and look down at the floor.

We continue to walk in silence until it reaches mid day. We stop and pull out the map that's in one of the bags and lay it out on the floor. We estimate where we are and find the closest village.

The village isn't to far so we end up going. There's no signs around for the name and you would barely call it a village. It's a small area with a small town hall and a few houses scattered around.

We tie the horses to a pole outside the town hall and go inside. We ask about healers and they go off and find one. We take the healer to Werewolf and they heal him like it was nothing.

He's still asleep on the horse so we leave him there. I try to offer the healer food as payment because we don't have any money but they turn it down and leave.

The mayor offers us a room at the hotel and we decline because we have no money. They insist, saying that we are the most visitors they've had in a while.

We eventually agree and they escort us to their hotel. They give us two rooms with two beds. We tie our horses out the front and take Werewolf up into a room. We then realise there's one room left. One bed left.

"You take the bed." I say, walking around the kitchen.

"Where will you sleep then?" Red Velvet asks.

"On the floor or the couch, I guess." I answer.

"Don't be silly. We can share the bed. It's not a big deal." He says back.

"I'll share with Werewolf." I say.

"Share what? He's covering the whole bed." He says, looking into Werewolf's room.

I sigh to myself and start looking through the fridge as Red Velvet gets Chiffon out of one of the bags. I make Red Velvet and I sandwiches and we eat in silence.

It's gotten dark so we shut off the lights and went to our room. We lay there awkwardly next to each other, staring up at the roof. The bed fits both of us but move the wrong way and we'll end up touching.

"What will happen when you go back?" I ask Red Velvet, turning my head to face him.

"I don't know." He responds.

His hand twitches next to him as I turn my head back up to the roof.

"What'll happen when you go back?" He asks, facing me.

"Pastry will probably interrogate me and the whole kingdom will go nuts about me getting captured. It'll die down and everyone will forget though." I reply, turning to face him again.

"Huh." He says back.

We lay there in silence for a bit. We stay facing each other, keeping eye contact. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear without breaking eye contact.

He does break eye contact though when his eyes drift down to my lips. He tries hiding it though when he tries to keep the eye contact again. His eyes continuously flicker from my mouth to my eyes.

I get flustered for the second time today and turn my head away.

"I might, um, sleep. Goodnight." I say awkwardly, turning my back to him.

He mumbles to himself and rolls over to what I'm assume is having his back towards me.

I sigh and stare down at the floor. I'm not tired. I just panicked. His eyes kept looking at my lips. His pretty, mesmerising eyes...

What? No. I don't think of him like that. He's the enemy. Well, maybe not enemy. An acquaintance maybe.

This trip needs to hurry up and end so Werewolf and I can go home. Red Velvet can go back to the Tower. We'll become enemies again. We'll forget everything that happened. Forget each other.

But, what if I don't want to forget??

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