Chapter 12

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Warning/s- Pastry cookie 🙄


I wake up to Herb sitting on the edge of my bed. I sit up and look at him confused.

"What are you doing here?" I ask confused. He turns his head to face me and awkwardly smiles.

"Good morning! Tiger Lily was concerned because you've been sleep talking since you've came back. Who or what is 'Red Velvet'?" He asks.

I panic a little. I've been doing this the whole time? I frown at him and cross my arms.

"Why would this concern you?" I ask back aggressively.

"I- I thought you might've fallen ill, so I came to help." He says back in a worrying tone.

"I'm fine. Sorry." I say back, rubbing my face.

"Can you tell me what 'Red Velvet' is?" He asks.

I freeze. Do I trust Herb enough? It's no harm to tell him. I can't risk Pastry finding out. He wouldn't tell her. I can trust him.

"He's one of the... enemies. But he didn't do anything. We just got... close." I mumble. Herb nods and sighs.

"I'll have to tell Pastry about this. She's asking everyone to get information from you." He says. I made the wrong choice of telling him.

"No Herb. Please. Your can't tell her. I'm begging you." I plead. I know what she'll do if she finds out. She'll kill him. She has her ways.

"Fine. But if anything happens with her I can't help you." He says.

I nod and he stands up and leaves. I sight and rub my face. I haven't even been awake that long and its already stressful.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Werewolf asks from my doorway. I sigh and nod. He walks over and sits on the bed next to me, staring down at the floor awkwardly.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about your parents. I did raise you better than they ever would." He says, looking at the floor awkwardly.

"I'm sorry I got so angry at you. Your should've told me earlier. It would've prevented my... outburst." I say back.

He looks at me and smiles. He hugs me before leaving again. I stand up and get ready for the day. It's not like I can do much. I'm basically useless.

I leave the house and go get Dandy. I saddle her and jump on, riding to the training centre. It's empty again so I assume they've already sent a team out to battle.

I put Dandy in the stables out front and walk inside. I set up one of the sword training dummies in front of me and step back a few paces, pulling out my sword and putting myself in defence position.

I imagine I'm fighting someone. I swing my sword at it and damage the dummy in multiple places. I let my anger out on the dummy. I've already broken 4 dummies from my continuous training.

I start to loose focus as I swing my sword. I think about Red Velvet. His voice. His hands. His eyes that I could stare at for hours. I did miss him. There wasn't much I could do about it though. We were both where we were meant to be.

That's what I thought.

There was shouting and yelling coming from the gates. I put my sword away and rode Dandy to the gates to see what was.

"Y/n, you should leave. It's not safe." One of the guards say, pushing me and some other cookies away.

I scoff and push past him. I find two guards restraining a cookie to the floor and shouting.

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