Chapter 4

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Warning/s- swearing.


I wake up to some tapping on my cheek. I wake to see a cookie... a mushroom? I'm not to sure at this point.

"You're awake! Yay!" The cookie says excitedly, sitting down in front of me.

I sit up and look at it very confused.

"Who are you? Why are you in here?" I ask.

"I'm Poison Mushroom! I took Red Velvets keys." They say, pulling keys out of a pocket.

"Can you unlock my hands?" I ask.

They nod and I shuffle around so they can reach. The chains fall off and I spin my wrists around.

"Thanks." I say, smiling at the cookie.

"Do you draw?" They ask, giving me a piece of paper and pencils.

I nod and they clap their hands together. They get their own paper and put it in front of them.

I place the pencils and paper down and watch them pull out a purple pencil.

They draw a circle shape, adding a head underneath and a body.

"Poison Mushroom!" They say pointing at the paper.

I smile, feeling a sense of innocence. I pull out a pencil and go to draw. I pause, realising I've never properly done a drawing before.

I grip the pencil in a fist. I decide to draw a house. It's harder than it looks. All the lines are wavy and different lengths, there's random squiggles on the page from me resting my hand and everything's out of proportion.

"Look! I drew me and you!" Poison Mushroom says holding up their artwork, smiling.

Looking at mine, it's really bad compared to theirs.

"I drew a house." I reply, holding my picture up.

We sit there for a long time drawing. Theres mumbling from outside the cell which we ignore.

"Did you lock the cell door?" I ask Mushroom.

"Yep!" They respond.

We keep drawing for a little longer before someone starts banging on the door.

"Occupied!" I shout out. Mushroom and I giggled when I said this.

"Open this door now!" Red Velvet shouts, looking through the window on the door.

Poison Mushroom stands up and unlocks the door, smiling up at Red Velvet. He snatches the keys off Mushroom and frowns.

"Go back to Licorice." He says, pointing out the door.

Mushroom waves bye at me and waddles off. I smile and look down to continue my drawing.

"Why were they in here?" He asks me.

I shrug. "They came in with pencils and paper saying they wanted to draw."

Red Velvet grumbles to himself and walks over to me, looking at the drawings. I finish of my drawing and hold it up to him proudly.

"Look. It's the cell and there's me and you!" I say.

He frowns at it. "Why do I look angry?" He asks.

Red velvet cookie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now