Chapter 5

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Warning/s: cannibalism (idk is a cookie eating cake cannibalism??).


I wake up on the cold, hard floor. I roll onto my back and sigh. The door opens and I turn my head to look over.

Red Velvet walks in holding a tray of food. He places it down in front of me and I sit up.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I nod in response. I'm slightly embarrassed that I let my guard down around him but it's not like I can change it.

"Do you wanna eat?" he asks me. i shake my head and he nods, walking out of the room.

I rest my head back against the wall and sigh. I then remember my leg is better so I stand up to walk around the room.

It's not fun but it takes my mind off things. I walk laps around the room for hours, not wanting to stop. Eventually, I feel my legs give in and I collapse the the cold floor.

I lie there and stare at the roof. It has random little dents and scratches which sorta looks like little faces.

The cell door opens and I look over to see Poison Mushroom. I sit up and look at him confused.

"Here's the clothing Dark Enchantress wants you to wear." They say, placing the clothes neatly in front of me.

I thank them and they waddle off. I wonder why Red Velvet didn't come in. I quickly forget about that and look down at the clothes Mushroom got me.

I'm very confused because it looks like really expensive, really fancy clothing. I pick it up and look at the suit/dress. This confused me even more. Why would they give this to me?

I stand up and go to the bathroom to get ready. After I get dressed, I brush through my hair and brush my teeth with water cause no one's changed the toothpaste.

When I finish getting ready, Red Velvet walks in. He looks me up and down and goes to say something, shaking his head instead.

He's wearing his normal clothes just slightly fancier.

"Why am I wearing this?" I ask him.

"Dark Enchantress wants to have dinner with everyone. Including you." He replies back.

I nod and he lets me leave the cell. Outside the cell, it's a long hallway with multiple other cells on the walls. There's no windows and the floors and walls are made of the same concrete inside the cell.

We turn a few corners and go through a few doors until we reach our destination. It's a fancy pair of doors.

Red velvet opens them and it reveals a large table with 6 people sitting at it.

"Ah, welcome Y/n!" The tall evil lady says.

Red Velvet and I sit next to each other at the table. A female with red hair and these strange ball things in her hair looks at me and whispers something to another cookie wearing this robe. The one in the robe snickers and looks over at me.

I want to know why I'm here, why they invited me to this. The silence is loud and awkward and I would prefer my cell more than this right now.

A few cakes come out holding plates of food and places it in front of us.

"So how do you like it here, Y/n?" The tall lady asks.

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