Chapter 7

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Warning/s- sexual tension 😏😏


I eventually start the fire because of how cold it was getting. When Red Velvet came back he was holding handfuls of jellyberries.

He sat down and handed me one and gave one to Chiffon. We sat there in silence for a bit while we ate, listening to the crackling of the fire.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask. It's been on my mind non stop.

He shrugs, continuing to stare into the fire. I look at him confused. I shake my head and sigh. Chiffons curled up next to Red Velvet as his fingers are gliding up and down his coat.

I watch him for a bit. His hand motions so smooth and gentle. He cares so much for that cake. He looks over to me confused and I return my focus to the fire.

"When are you going to bed?" He asks.

"I'm not. I'm gonna watch the camp tonight." I say back.

Red Velvet nods and stands up, walking over to his tent. He says goodnight before crawling into his tent and zipping it closed.

I sit there and rest my head on my hands. I look over to my tent and start to feel extremely tired. I start feeling myself drift off and lay down on the floor, looking up at the stars.

I start to shut my eyes and I let myself. I know I'm supposed to be staying up but it's nice not sleeping in the cell.


I yawn and roll over in my sleeping bag, still half asleep. I take a deep breath, inhaling the sent of vanilla essence and red velvet cake. I sit up in shock and look around.

This isn't my tent. It's Red Velvets. Why am I I'm here? I stand up and leave the tent. Red Velvet is throwing a stick around for Chiffon as he awkwardly glances at me.

"Why was I in your tent?" I ask.

"Because you were asleep on the floor and your brother was in your tent." He says back plainly.

I nod as Chiffon runs up to me, barking at my feet. I bend down and scratch him on the head.

I get the first aid kit from one of the bags and Red Velvet looks at me confused.

"Why do you need that?" He asks.

I explain how you need to look after a wound properly so it doesn't lead to crumbling. I walk off to my tent to treat Werewolf and Red Velvet follows.

I change his bandages and leave the tent again with Red Velvet.

"We should get going." I said.

He nods and we pack up the camp, hoisting Werewolf up onto one of the horses. Red Velvet says he'll walk for a bit since there's no room on the horses and I let him. It's a peaceful walk. We don't say much to each other.

After a few hours, we decide to stop and rest for a bit. The sun is starting to set and we set up camp for the night. We get Werewolf in the tent and start up the campfire.

"Do you wanna train with me?" Red Velvet asks.

I think about it for a minute before nodding. He points to an area through the trees and looks over at me.

"There's a field down there. You can tell because the trees get less thick." He says to me.

I nod and we grab our swords, walking in the direction of the field. We agree not to use our abilities on each other so we don't get injured to badly.

(A/n- just realised I haven't specified what ability you have so I'll let you guys decide what it is. Remember it has to be charge.)

We decide we'll start to practice blocking and defence. We stand back from each other and start to circle around. It sort of feels like a dance.

He charges towards me and I dodge him with ease. It goes back and forth like this for a while.  Somehow he manages to knock my sword out of my hands, flinging it behind me.

He starts charging towards me as I try to run backwards to get my sword. I trip over from a hole in the floor and fall backwards. Red Velvet tries to stop himself and falls over as well.

He falls on top of me. His hands are either side of my head, pinning me down in that spot. Our faces are inches away which makes this situation really awkward.

We stay like that for a minute or so, keeping eye contact. I start to feel really strange and break the eye contact, clearing my throat. He gets the message and rolls off me and lies down next to me.

I look up at the stars and sigh. It's starting to get darker quicker, meaning winter is coming. I sit up and look down at Red Velvet.

"It's dark. We should head back to camp." I say. He nods and we stand up.

I grab my sword and we start walking back to the camp. When we arrive, Chiffon excitedly runs up to us and jumps around our feet.

We sit in front of the fire and eat some of the food we have. I lean back on my hands and smile down at Chiffon who's curled up next to me.

"I'll stay up again tonight." I say.

"You need to sleep. I'll do it tonight." He says back.

I look over at my tent and sigh. Werewolf is in there and it's a small tent.

"You can sleep in my tent again if you want." Red Velvet says, almost like he was reading my thoughts.

I look over at him and smile slightly. "Thank you." I mumble.

He nods and focuses his attention on the fire. I look back down to the fire and frown, head filling with questions.

"Why are you so nice to me? Aren't we meant to be enemies?" I ask.

He still continues to stare into the fire. It's so hard to read his emotions.

"I guess we are." He says back.

We sit there for a little longer in awkward silence. I stand up and grab my sleeping bag and walk back over to the campfire, facing Red Velvet.

"Goodnight. Thanks for letting me use your tent." I say before walking off.

I crawl inside the tent and lay my sleeping bag as far away from his as possible. I move his over a bit more so the gap between them is larger.

I slide inside my sleeping bag and sigh. It shouldn't take to much longer to get back to the kingdom. The quicker we get there the quicker Werewolf gets healed. The quicker i won't have to be stuck here with Red Velvet.

I can't wait for this to end.


Not important at all but it's my birthday tomorrow 😋 (12th jan).

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