Chapter 16

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I wake up with Red Velvets arms around me. I move his arms off me and sit up, rubbing my face. Arms wrap around my waist and Red Velvets head rests on my shoulder.

"Good morning." I say, smiling.

"Morning.' He mumbles into my ear.

He gives me a kiss on the shoulder and pulls off me. I turn to face him and he smiles at me while fixing his hair.

"Are you hungry?" I ask. He shakes his head and I nod.

"I let Chiffon in last night." He says pointing to the dog sleeping on the floor.

I nod and stand up, stretching. I walk over to my door and open it, causing Red Velvet to pout.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I'm going to eat." I say back, walking out of the room.

He follows me out and sits at the table, watching as I make my food. I finish off and sit at the table next to him. He watches me as I eat and smiles.

"What?" I ask, looking up at him.

"You're very pretty." He says.

I smile and look down at the table. I finish eating and wash my plate in the sink. I sit back at the table and Red Velvet holds out his hand for me under the table. I smile and place my hand in his, intwining our fingers.

Werewolf and Tiger Lily walk out of their room and greet us good morning. Tiger Lily walks into the kitchen to make herself food and Werewolf sits at the table with us.

"Do you feel better?" I ask him.

"Yeah, we saw a healer. You two do anything while we were gone?" He asks.

"No. We just talked." I say back, trying to be convincing as possible. Red Velvet traces his thumb up and down my hand, causing me to smile. Werewolf looks between us and frowns.

"Leave them alone. They're not children." Tiger Lily says sitting down at the table.

"Yeah. Exactly. We're going now!" I say walking to my room, dragging Red Velvet with me.

"What are we doing?" He asks, watching me shut the door.

"You're going to come train with me." I say to him as I get my stuff.

We leave the house and go to the stables. I saddle Dandy while Red Velvet stares at one of the sugar horses.

"You kept the horse I gave you?" He asks, stroking the horses snout. I realise its the horse he gave me before he left.

"Yeah. I guess I did." I say, passing him a saddle.

He saddles his horse and we hop on them, riding to my field. When we get there, we tie the horses to a tree and walk into the centre of the field.

"What am I supposed to do?" He asks, watching me pull out my sword.

"You could dodge?" I question. He nods and we position ourselves in a defensive stance.

I charge at him, swinging my sword, and he dodges it smoothly. It goes back and forth like this for a while. I charge at Red Velvet and he runs behind me. I turn around and Red Velvet isn't there.

He slides his leg under mine, causing me to fall over. He catches me just before I fall and smiles, causing me to frown.

"You need to get quicker." He says to me. He stands me back up and I scoff.

"Well I've only had a few years experience." I say back aggressively.

"I'm just messing with you." He says, laughing. I smile at him and I put my sword away.

"Let's play a game. First person to get touched, looses." He says to me, taking a few paces back.

I do the same and ready myself. He charges at me and I dodge him. I turn around and charge at him. He runs backwards and smirks at me. We go back and forth and it's starting to really annoy me. My fingers graze across his arm and I smile in triumph.

"Ha! I win! I touched you!" I shout victoriously.

"I didn't feel it. It doesn't count." He says, running towards me.

He goes to grab my arm and I step to the side and accidentally hit the side of his head.

"Oh my I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I ask, running over to him.

"Guess you did win." He says, smiling at me. I process this and smile.

"Ha, I did!" I say, putting my hands on my hips proudly.

He watch's me, grinning, and I look over at him confused.

"You're cute." He says, walking over to me and cupping my face.

I blush and smile up at him. He bends down and gives me a kiss on the nose.

"Do you wanna go home? I'm getting cold." I ask.

"Yeah, ok." He says.

He picks me up and carries me over to the sugar horses. I start to laugh as I try to wriggle out of his grasp, making him hold on tighter to me.

He places me on my horse and unties her for me. He unties and gets on his own horse. We ride back to the house in silence .

We put the horses in the stables and walk inside. Werewolf and Tiger Lily are sitting at the table with Pastry.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Pastry.

"The Tower wants Red Velvet back." She says.

"What?!" Red Velvet and I say in sync.

"The one called 'Pomegranate' wants to talk to you tomorrow morning about arrangements." Pastry says to Red Velvet before saying her goodbyes and leaving.

I drag Red Velvet to my room and shut the door, turning to face him in panic.

"You're not going to leave, are you?" I ask. He runs his fingers through his hair and frowns at the floor.

"I... don't know. I don't think I'll have a choice. But I'll try to stay. I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with you." He says, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"We'll figure this out tomorrow, ok?" I say, looking up at him. He nods and brings me into a hug.

I was angry. I just got him back. He staying with me. He's never going back to that place.


I love how much power I hold rn 😈
MWAHAHAHA- I really need to stop omg.
But prepare (or don't) for the next chapter.

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