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The day started like any other. You dragging yourself out of bed, getting ready for the boring day, then heading to the same old village for the same job you worked at everyday for the past three years. It just wasn't exciting anymore. I mean, at first it was great. You had finally left your home town to become your own independent person.

You managed to build up a foundation and keep it going. But then everything became repetitive. And it was just like your old village all over again - the same. Every, single, day. You didn't exactly want everything to change but it would be nice to mix it up a bit. But no, you were stuck managing the practice arena with a boss that did nothing but boss you around until your shift was over. You practically run the place at this point.

"Y/n!" Your boss yelled.

You jumped. "Yes?"

He stood in front of you, crossing his arms. "What're yah doin' just sittin' around a tree?"

You tried your best to hold your composure. "Well I was just taking a break since I finished restocking all the arrow buckets and-"

He cut you off. "Yeah well guess what another trainee just came in and the bucket is empty again so go refill it." He dropped at least 30 or more arrows into your lap.

You stared at him in bewilderment. "But-"

"No buts Y/n. Do it now or else your earnin' nothin' but copper this week. Not even one gold coin." He turned around. "Oh and while your at it sharpen all the weaponry and carve out more trainee tools. The last fool broke 'em all." Then he walked off.

You huffed. What a bitch. You pushed all the arrows he rudely dropped in your lap off of you so you could stand up. You took a deep breath in and out before picking up all the arrows again. You then made your way to the shooting range to restock the buckets like your boss had told you to do.

You angrily dropped the arrows in the buckets as you walked by not caring if some fell out. As you bent down to fill the last bucket an arrow shot right past you. You straightened up immediately looking the direction of where the arrow came from.

"Hey watch it!" You yelled.

The trainee gulped. "S-sorry!"

You scoffed. This guy really knew nothing about training. You picked up the arrow he shot as you walked over to him.

You handed it to him. "Maybe next time don't miss terribly and almost kill me."

His eyes widened. "I'll try my best, sorry again."

You smiled. "Here." You stood behind the young boy and raised his arms up. "Which hands your dominant hand?"

He thought for a moment. "Hmm, I think my right hand."

"Alright so your holding the bow with your right hand when you should be holding it with your left." You fixed it for him. "See? Much more comfortable isn't it."

He nodded, smiling nervously.

"Now, I want you to use your right hand to pull back the bow string."

He listened to what you said and used his right hand to pull it back.

"Finally, aim. Once your sure you got it all lined up you fire, got it?" You stepped back so he could try it on his own.

"Got it."

It remained quiet as he slowly aimed for the middle of the target. When he released it he had managed to hit around the middle.

He gasped. He now had a huge smile on his face. "Holy shit I did it! I mean I didn't hit it right on but I still hit it!" He ran up to you and gave you a hug. "Thank you."

You hugged back. "Anytime kid."

The two of you pulled away. He held out his hand. "I'm Tubbo."

You took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Tubbo. I'm Y/n."

You Again//Technoblade x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now