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"Alright everyone settle down please." The King said. He was trying his best to calm everyone down but there was too much going on at once for anyone to hear.

You could hear numerous things being shouted out.

"What're we going to do now!"
"Is the village even safe anymore?"
"Your being ridiculous! We need to fight back."

It was too crazy. In order to get a good understanding of things you would need to get deeper into the crowd. So, you grabbed Dionnes hand as you squeezed your way in. You tried your best not to push anyone but at this point you had to. No one was letting you through.

When you finally pushed your way to the front you grabbed one of the posters that was lying on the floor. Dionne looked over your shoulder to read it too.

It read, "Hand over The Blade or fire will rain."

"Fire will rain? The Blade? What's The Blade?" You said aloud.

Dionne gave you a look. "You don't know?"

You shook your head no. "Am I supposed to?"

They sighed as they looked back at the royal family. "The Blade isn't a thing, it's a person. Back before the treaty with the Nether Kingdom was made, we would frequently be at war with them."

"Technoblade always fought along side of his father and brother Lord Wilbur and when the Nether Kingdom saw how skilled Lord Technoblade was, they wanted him on their team." She paused, sighing. "The King thought of many ways to satisfy them instead. He wouldn't dare give up his own son of course."

"That's when he came up with an agreement. The two worlds would work together instead with the help of Lord Technoblade. He managed to convince them there was no need to fight anymore, which meant they wouldn't need his son."

She finally looked to you again. "But this," she pointed at the flyer. "This means they want to break the treaty now that Lord Technoblade is back. Lord Technoblade is 'The Blade' Y/n."

Your eyes widened at what she said. "Technoblade? So if we don't hand him over the treaty will break and they'll attack again?"

Dionne nodded. "We can't let that happen. Without this treaty all trades are cut off with the Nether Kingdom. We need a lot of stuff from there, important stuff. But we can't let them take the prince either."

You understood it all now. It was definitely a complicated situation. You couldn't help but wonder how the family was feeling. King Phil must be overwhelmed trying to think of what to do and what to say.

And Technoblade, how was he doing?

You looked over to him. Anger. That's all you could see all over his face. He had his hands balled up into fists as he stared down at all the flyers. If you looked into his eyes you would probably be set on fire by how angry he was. He was surging with rage.

He suddenly locked eyes with you, making you flinch. You didn't bother glaring at him or anything, you weren't that cruel. You knew this was not the time or place to cause problems with him, especially with everything that's going on.

Usually you would be the one to look away. But this time, you held his gaze. Not with an angry or annoyed look but just a neutral one. A look that you wouldn't know how to read. And it was only when he stepped in front of his family when he broke the eye contact and everyone went silent.

You Again//Technoblade x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now