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Your eyes shot open as you felt someone shake you harshly. You immediately saw Tubbo with a worried expression on his face.

"Finally your awake. Your gonna be late for whatever your friend has planned for you, remember?"

You mentally slapped yourself on the head. "Oh right I nearly forgot about that." You said, standing up. "Thanks Tubbo, I owe you one." You ruffled his hair.

He beamed proudly. "No problem. And you can pay me back by getting me some pastries at the new bakery that just opened up over by the well. I heard it's really good."

You chuckled, looking down at him. "Alright fine i'll get you some. I've been meaning to try them out too anyways."

Just as you had finished your sentence, the sound of the bell rung throughout the entire village indicating it was noon.

You raked a hand through your hair. "Ah shit! I have to get going now but i'll see you later Tubbo!" You yelled out to him as you made your way out of the practice site.

Once you had closed the gate you headed straight forward following the path that lead to town.

Dionne was going to be mad at you for being late. But there really wasn't much you could do about it. You could really only hope that you made it in time to the castle. Why did she want you there anyways? Did she need extra help with work? Did she need me for an excuse she made to get herself out of work?

Whatever it was, you were extremely paranoid over it.

You sighed as you stopped in front of the castles gate. You had to wait for the guards to open them. Once they did you hesitantly walked inside. You had been inside the gates before but never actually inside the castle. All you had really done was explore and mess around outside of it.

You also have never met the king and his sons like most people. Only the criminals and very lucky civilians had the chance of meeting them. And of course the castle workers had seen them too. But all the others in this village, including yourself, had never even laid eyes of them. And no one has even seen the prince who apparently just got back from his adventures yesterday.

So who could blame you for being a little nervous. Because what if you did see them. What would you even do? You were sure you would make a fool out of yourself.

You looked down where the cobblestone path had ended and where the red velvet floor had started. You never dared to step foot on the perfect pristine carpet before, but now you actually had to. So you built up all your courage and finally stepped foot in the royal castle.

You looked up, your eyes widening. Woah. You knew your best friend worked at the castle, but you were not expecting this. The place was absolutely gorgeous. Everything was practically shining and there was no place left un-dusted. Which is something you would definitely expect from a castle.

"Y/n!" Dionne yelled out, catching your attention.

She stood in front of you, standing tall. "Hey Dionne. I'm here just like you wanted. But uh, why exactly did you want me here?"

She smiled. "Oh never mind that we can get to it later. For now i'd like you to meet someone, well, not just anyone." She spun you around to face the other way. "The royal family!"

Your eyes widened. Stood in front of you were four people. One with wings, one who looked messy, one super tall, and the last one was...

You gasped.

"You again." You both said in sync.

Oh no.

It was him. The one who you felt threatened by and spat in his face because of it. Of course he had to be the prince! Out of all the people in this town he had to be one of the most important people ever. Just your luck.

Dionne glanced back and forth between you and the prince. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You two know each other?" They asked.

You gulped, you were way too nervous to look at him so you avoided eye contact.

"Um no not really." You said anxiously.

He scoffed, turning to the king aka his father. "This is the villager I told you about. The one I had stumbled across last night as I was making my way home."

He had told the others about your interaction last night. You were surely doomed.

Dionne gasped. "Y/n!"

You faced them. "Well what was I supposed to do!"

She huffed, grabbing your arm and pulling you to the side. "Just one moment." She said sweetly to the royal family before turning back to you. "How could you spit in the princes face Y/n!"

Your face flushed with embarrassment. "Oh I don't know maybe because I didn't know he was the prince!" You whisper yelled.

Dionne stood up straight and took a deep breathe in and out. "Look Y/n. We can only hope Pricnce Technoblade spares you and kindly let's you off the hook. But that is very unlikely since he is literally known for his cruel and gruesome punishments."

Cruel and gruesome punishments? Oh you were definitely dead. You might as well say goodbye to your house now because you were definitely getting out into jail, or maybe even worse. Maybe they would be kind enough to let Tubbo visit me whilst i'm in there.

"Dionne." A low voice spoke up.

She jumped slightly before turning around. "Yes Lord Technoblade?"

You looked up to see Lord Technoblade standing tall. He was very intimidating.

"What is your friends name over here?" He asked in a monotone voice. He didn't even glance at you when he asked Dionne what your name was.

She was so nervous she couldn't even answer him. So instead you took the liberty of answering for her.

"It's Y/n." You said as he looked over at you. "Y/n L/n."

You tried your best to look confident under his gaze but in reality you were scared half to death.

He narrowed his eyes at you. "So, Y/n. Because I just got back home and I don't want to go through the trouble of a bunch of paperwork over a silly interaction with some commoner." He paused, taking a deep breath in. "I'll let you go without a punishment."

You wanted to let out a sigh of relief but you were frozen still while he stared at you.

He stepped closer to you. "Just know that if you do anything like that again I will surely have you thrown in jail, understood?"

At this point, yes you were scared. But he was also starting to get on your nerves. You were always known for being stubborn and whenever someone was trying to be an asshole to you, you were always an asshole back. Except this time you had to watch your tongue.

You glared back at him, not breaking eye contact. "Fine.".

You Again//Technoblade x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now