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You felt a rush of immense stress run right through you as you entered the royal grounds again. You hadn't had a run in with the prince since the terribly awkward encounter with the royal family and their eldest son. Although, you had a feeling you would see each other soon. Luck was never really on your side.

While looking for Dionne, you swore you could feel eyes all around you. You hated it. It made you paranoid. What if someone was actively watching you? You probably already have a bad reputation here so it would make sense.

To keep distracted you kept telling yourself to continue searching for Dionne. You'd think she'd be up front waiting for you since she was the one who invited you. But no. She's probably somewhere napping or eating. You chuckled at the thought of that.

So with the goal of finding Dionne in your mind you cluelessly wandered around hoping they'd turn up somewhere.

"This place should really come with a map." You mumbled to yourself.

You heard a scoff come from behind you. "Your lost aren't you."

You turned around, your eyes widened. Your stomach churned when you realized who exactly the person in front of you was. "Technoblade."

He didn't move to greet you. Instead he stayed standing in the same spot motionless as he pierced through your soul with his harsh gaze. It sent bad vibes down your spine.

"That's Lord Technoblade to you, commoner."

His tone was still as cold as ever. Yes you were a bit intimidated but you put up a strong face and glared right back at him, not breaking eye contact.

"And that's Y/n to you. Just because your royalty doesn't mean you can completely glaze over the fact I have a name you know."

His eyebrows furrowed as he finally moved to step forward. "Watch your tongue before I have someone cut it off."

You too stepped forward, your stare hardening. "I'd rather you cut off my ears instead so I don't have to listen to your annoying threats."

As he was about to say something , which you assumed was not very pleasant, someone called for you interrupting whatever was about to break out.

"Y/n! There you are." Dionne hurriedly walked over to you since she knew who you were talking to. "Didn't I tell you to stop causing trouble." She spoke with a very forced smile on her face.

You could tell she was not having it.

"You should listen to your friend here, commoner."

You looked back at him with obvious annoyance on your face. "You should wipe that disdainful look off your fa-"

"Ahem! Y/n remember." She made a 'smile' motion then tightened her grip on your arm as a warning.

You took a deep breath in before looking back at him once more. You bit back your words, swallowing your pride as you smiled up at him. "I'll take what you said in consideration My Lord."

Calling him My Lord made you want to throw up, especially after seeing the look of satisfaction on his face from your reply.

Without saying anything he quite rudely just walked away from the two of you. Once he had left your sight you could finally relax. Or so you thought until Dionne started yelling at you.

"I specifically told you to not start trouble with anyone nonetheless Lord Technoblade you twat!"

She continued to go off on you but you honestly weren't listening. All you were thinking about was how you were going to win this argument between Technoblade and you.

You absolutely had to win now. Or else you wouldn't live up to your stubborn title fully. Plus you really wanted to put him in his place permanently.

One day, you were going to make him break.

You Again//Technoblade x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now