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The only thing you could hear was the sound of your footsteps echoing off the walls. This was weird. You weren't used to being here at night. It wasn't that much different really. Just way more eerie then it is in the day time.

Luckily you wouldn't be roaming around for too long though because you had managed to make your way out quickly. You thought about using one of the horses in the stables to get to Tubbo but you decided not to since it would make too much noise. You would just go on foot instead.

"The walk to Tubbo's house isn't that far from here. Walking won't be too bad." You said to yourself.

You heard a scoff from behind you. "So that's where your going."

You jumped, quickly turning around holding up your fists. You couldn't quite make out who it was until they stepped into the moonlight, and then you recognized the familiar red eyes and pink hair.

"You really plan on defending yourself with just your fists?" Technoblade said as he stepped into view.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Ugh you again. Do you always like to sneak up on people?"

He took a step closer. "It might be the beginning of a war and you thought sneaking out to go see someone was a smart idea?With no weapons might I add." He said, brushing off your question.

You crossed your arms. "I'm just worried okay. I haven't seen Tubbo and what's happening here isn't exactly the safest situation."

"Neither is sneaking out with no weapons." He said.

You huffed, turning away from him. "Whatever i'm going to see him I don't need to be lectured by you right now."

You started walking out of the castle grounds but before you could make it out Technoblade had grabbed your arm.

"I told you. It's not smart." He said harshly.

You glared up at him. "What do you care. Stop acting like you actually want to help me." You pulled your arm out of his grasp and stepped back, not breaking eye contact with him.

"Fine, just take this then." He threw down a bow and some arrows at your feet.

You hesitantly kneeled down to pick them up. When you examined the bow you realized it was really good quality - way better then the bows at your workplace.

"So that's it? Your just gonna give me these, no strings attached and let me go? Are you gonna tell The King i'm sneaking out?" You said as you stood up, bow and arrows now in your hands.

"I can't stop you from going and I don't care enough to tell anyone." He said. "And like I said earlier it's not safe without some weapons."

You looked at him skeptically.

He saw your skepticism and chuckled. "What? Didn't expect me to actually be nice for once."

"No." You said, plain and simple. "I didn't think you would ever be nice to me actually."

"And why's that." He asked, now sitting down against the outside of the castle.

"Your kidding right?" You walked over to where he was and sat next to him. "You know me and you don't get along like at all, right?"

He nodded.

"So why would I expect you to be nice to me when we were never friends in the first place."

He turned his head towards you and shrugged. "I dunno. I just felt like being nice for once. Am I not allowed to or something."

You chuckled. "Of course your allowed."

He simply hummed at your response before looking back forward as the two of you sat in silence.

You felt your head hit the wall behind you. This was nice.

"How did you know I was here anyways." You asked.

"I followed you because I thought you were doing something suspicious. Our rooms are right across from each other, remember."

You laughed unexpectedly causing him to look at you in amusement.

"Wow, that's not creepy at all." You said.

He only returned your laughter, then it went back to the comfortable silence it was before.

You had never heard him laugh before, or smile actually. The two of you not arguing and actually getting along, even sharing a laugh was something you thought you would never get to achieve.

"We can send a letter to Tubbo in the morning." He said.

You looked at him, shocked. You didn't say anything though.

You only smiled.

You Again//Technoblade x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now