18 (2) - I'm Yours (18+)

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He groans as I lower my mouth, sucking and licking his shaft. I almost stop from thinking I'm doing something wrong as his brow draws together but my hesitation vanishes as his hips pump underneath me, pushing deeper into my throat.

I pull up to press a soft kiss against his shaft, heat swirling in my stomach and between my legs. Sin groans as I sit up enough to push the boxers I'd borrowed off of my legs, baring my pussy to his eyes.

"Such a pretty cunt." His fingers push between my legs, caressing the dripping heat. "Already so wet for me."

A shudder rolls through my body as his finger brushes my clit. "I want you, Sin." My hand closes around his cock, positioning him underneath me.

His hands close around my hips, hips rolling underneath me so his shaft slicks through my wetness. His brow knits with turmoil. "Fuck. Why are you so fucking perfect?"

Something funny flips in my stomach. "You shouldn't talk like that to me."

He hums, eyes flickering from the way my hand pushes him against my pussy and back up to my face as if he can't decide which one is more precious to focus on. "Why?"

A small smile flicks over my lips. I slowly lower myself onto him, wincing as I stretch to fit his head. "I might get attached."

His hands halt the movement. I almost sigh in exasperation.

"You don't want me?" I push down the flash of hurt that twinges in my chest. "Why?"

His grip tightens to a point where the touch is nearly painful. "It's not that. I just don't want to hurt you."

I lower myself another inch, ignoring the flash of pain that erupts at the small movement. His fingers bite into my skin. "I'll be fine."

"Calli," he grunts, watching my hips slowly wiggle and take in his huge length. His brow furrows with concern but his gaze remains transfixed on the movement. "Fuck."

I have to pause when the burning sensation becomes too overwhelming. "You're big." I roll my eyes at the know-it-all look on his face. "I'm a tough bitch. Just give me a minute."

He pushes at my hips again. "Up. Lay on your back."

I look pointedly at his bloodied shirt. I can tell from his small burst of energy that's he's already begun healing himself but the movement will probably still hurt like a bitch.

He scoffs, yanking me upward. I gasp at the sudden burst of strength and he smiles crookedly, pushing me back so I splay out in front of him. Okay, so maybe he's feeling better than I thought.

"Don't worry," he murmurs mockingly, positioning himself above me and rubbing his head over the line of my pussy so he's slicked in my juices. "I'm a tough bitch."

My toes curl as he pushes into me. The movement is slow and gentle but does nothing to alleviate the feeling of being ripped in two.

"Sin," I hiss, grabbing his wrist where it braces over my head. "Slower."

He pauses, leaning down to brush his lips over mine as he gently pushes in another notch. "It's going to hurt at first. But I promise I'll make you feel good, love." His other hand reaches down to rub circles around my clit, soothing the burn with the teasing touch.

"Oh." He nibbles at my jaw, the burn slowly fading as I accommodate his size. His largeness is still a bit overwhelming but pleasant nonetheless. He feels big and heavy inside of me, his large hand coaxing pleasure out of me and causing lewd noises to escape from my throat that I didn't even know I could make. "Oh. That feels nice."

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