28- You Won't Hurt Anymore

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Please read if you don't want to be confused about this chapter.

This chapter will be Sin's POV from chapter 24 up to chapter 26. There were a few requests to read his POV and I feel like it's important to include this part to explain a few things that have happened in between that Calli doesn't know about.

Just a reminder that Sin struggled with mental health before meeting Calli. When he talks about "it" in this chapter he's talking about the emptiness he felt before he met her.

This chapter skips around quite a bit through time so you can get a picture of what happened while Calli was gone.

You technically *can* skip this chapter if you really want to but I recommend reading to make more sense of the story (:

happy reading! xx


The blade bites into her skin, the small beads of crimson stark against the pale flesh of her throat.

"Sin," she whispers, her chipped red fingernails biting into my wrist.

I cup my free hand over her cheek. It's clammy with her sweat and streaks of mascara rub into my palm.

She leans her head back, closing her eyes and enjoying the caress even though she knows what it means for her.

"Are you going to talk to me now?" I say, rubbing my thumb in small soothing circles.

Her eyelids flutter open. "I've told you enough."

"You told me that you let her escape. That you helped her. What you haven't told me is where she went."

Her lips flatten into a thin line. "Because I don't know."

My hand slides from her cheek into her fiery hair, tugging her head back so abruptly that it bangs into the wall. Amber winces, a small whimper emerging from her mouth.

"I don't believe you," I say.

A harsh laugh emerges from her throat but it comes out strained. Even now, she's putting on a brave face. I'm not sure if the fact wants to make me finish the job at my fingertips or pat her on the back.

"I never thought I'd see Sinclair Black this pussy-whipped in my life." She wiggles in my grasp, trying to tilt her head back further to ease the pull on her scalp.

My body presses her flat into the wall. Before she has a chance to enjoy it, I push my weight into her broken parts.

A hiss of pains escapes her clenched teeth. But then she smiles. "Maybe I do know where she is." She looks me in my eyes, looking satisfied with herself as she says, "What would you trade for that information, Black?"

My hand tightens in her hair, the frantic sensation in my gut picking up again. "I don't think you're in a position to barter."

"I disagree," she says, licking the red off of her teeth. "I see that scared look in your eyes. You're terrified you'll never see her again." She pries her fingers from my wrist to drape her arm over the back of my neck. The other hangs uselessly at her side, too mangled to move. "My life and a good fuck. That's what it'll take for me to tell you."

She winces as a rough laugh tumbles from my throat. As much as I want to believe her, she has a wild look in her eyes. Desperate. She knows she's backed into a corner and she's hanging onto the thread of a lie in the hope she can get milk something out of me before she goes.

"I believe you now," I say as I push the blade further into her throat, enjoying the red that weeps from her pretty porcelain skin. "You don't know anything. But that's okay." I lift my weight from her body, letting her enjoy the temporary relief it brings. "At least you won't hurt anymore."

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