23- A Paid Debt

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I pick through Sinclair's kitchen drawers, trying to remember which one holds the pile of junk I'd accidentally found what feels like ages ago.

A warm set of arms wrap around my waist and tug me against a broad chest. "What are you doing?"

"Ensuring the emptiness of my womb," I mutter, letting loose a small sigh of relief as I find the jackpot. I pick through the pile of condoms and Marlboro cigarettes, tucking a few packets into my bra.

I raise a brow at the assortment of colors, studying the packaging of a purple one in my palm. "Ribbed for her pleasure, huh?"

I know he's rolling his eyes even though my back presses against him. "Theo's idea. He bought the variety pack."

"Maybe he knows something you don't." I smile as silent displeasure rolls off of him in waves. "Had any complaints lately?"

"You tell me." Sinclair's hand slowly creeps down the line of my stomach and my body heats under the small touch. "What do you think, has she been satisfied?"

My body blazes against him so intensely I'm surprised I don't combust in his arms. But the idea of stroking his giant ego miffs me so I shrug an unimpressed shoulder. "It's been alright, I guess."

He's silent for a long moment, then he slowly lowers his head into my neck. I shiver as I anticipate his velvet baritone brushing over my ear, his lips sliding over the sensitive skin of my nape.

I'm practically preening with anticipation. But then a sharp, pinching pain erupts on my shoulder and I realize that this little shit is biting me.

"Ow! Christ," I bat against his head with an annoyed hand. "That hurts, you little shithead."

He laughs into my skin before lifting his head. "You deserve it."

"Really," I say, turning my attention back to the drawer in front of me as if the sight of the teasing glimmer in his normally steely eyes doesn't make my chest squeeze. "I can think of at least a dozen worse things you've said in the time I've known you."

He brushes his lips over the sore skin. I can feel them pull into a small smile. "Guess you'll have to bite me too."

"I don't think it counts as a punishment if it gets you all hot and bothered."

He chuckles again and I hold up an unopened box of cigarettes. There's at least ten crammed into the small space. All of them appear untouched since the last time I saw them. "What are these for? I've never seen you smoke."

"I do sometimes," he admits, taking it from my hand and opening the package to roll one in between his fingers. "Usually when I'm agitated. Helps calm the nerves."

"Hm." I pluck it out of his hand and shove it back in the drawer. "They're bad for you."

"Concerned for my well-being, are you?"

"Not yours," I say, reaching behind my back to pat the sizable bulge of his junk. I flash him a teasing grin. "Just his."

He snorts, heat growing in his eyes. "Want to check on him for me? Legend goes if you give him a kiss it'll make him feel all better."

I roll my eyes even though the offer is incredibly tempting. Right now I don't have time. There's something Sin has promised me that I intend to take him up on before he sucks me into his bed for the rest of the night.

"Tonight," I promise him, patting the condoms shoved into my tight fitting black top. He looks so disappointed that I nearly laugh. "It's time for work, hot stuff. When can I get my free booze?"



I palm the shape of the pistol tucked into my side as Elliot's fingers steady Calli's hands as she nearly drops the shaker and spills liquor over the counter.

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