30- Who Wants Cake?

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I grimace as I spit out stomach acid, clutching my knees so I don't topple over into the mess in front of me.

Sin sighs and gently pulls me upright, shutting the door behind us.

"You didn't tell me there was a dead body in there," I whisper past my sore throat.

He shrugs a shoulder, looking grim but entirely unapologetic. "I told you not to go in there, didn't I?" He gingerly takes my elbow and leads me to the barstool.

I sit, trying to force back the sloshing fluids in my stomach. "Why were there parts of her missing?"

"I had a team working on cleaning and disposing of the body." He brushes back the bits of hair that stick to my clammy forehead. "I sent them away once you came back. Thought they might wake you up while you were resting."

I grunt, instinctively leaning into his touch. For some reason the way his calloused fingertips feel brushing over my skin is oddly soothing. Shouldn't I be more afraid of those hands knowing he killed his ex-lover in cold blood not even a day ago?

He grabs a rag from behind the counter and dabs my mouth with it. "Going to puke again?"

Acid crawls up my throat at the mention but I shake my head. As long as I don't think about how the graying and stiff tissue looked in the inside of her—

I dig my nails into my palm before the image can resurface in my head as I swallow back a barely-concealed gag.

"An assassin with a weak stomach." A small smile pulls at his lips. "Interesting."

"I don't kill people I know," I murmur, although it's true that I've never been a fan of gore. It's why I almost exclusively use a gun; they're precise and just bloody enough that it won't cause me to spill to the contents of my stomach. "Seeing someone you put your dick into a few months ago with parts of her body missing doesn't bother you?"

His rough thumb smoothes over my chin. "Not really. Then again, the only person that I've stuck my dick into that matters is you."

I scoff although my heart squeezes at his words. "Romantic." I study him hesitantly as he leans his back against the bar. "So...Theo's okay?"

"He's alive if that's what you're asking."

My stomach still cramps with the thought of something happening to him. Before I can think, I blurt, "I want to see him."

His brow furrows. "We'll see."

"We'll see?" I frown. "Why?"

"Why so concerned? I told you he's fine."

"Because he's my friend," I say, crossing my arms over my chest. "Forgive me if I don't believe you after walking into the room harboring the body of the woman you just killed."

The gentle edge to his face fades as he looks at me. "Anyone who takes you away from me deserves to die."

"Okay." I lean forward to take one of his hands, squeezing it slightly in mine. "No one's taking me away from you anymore. I just want to make sure he's alright."

Sin softens again but the frown doesn't lift from his lips. "I don't like it."

"Like what?"

His hand tightens a notch. "That you're getting attached to him. Worrying about him. Wanting to see him."

I barely resist the urge to roll my eyes—I can tell it would hardly help my case. "Why?"

"Because you're mine."

That makes me pry my hand from his. "Just because I let you stick your dick in me doesn't mean you get to determine who I can be friends with." I force myself to lighten my tone as his face steels over. "Look, I'm yours in every other regard, see?" I pull up my sleeve to flash the serpentine that winds around my arm. "I'm entirely yours. He'd never take me away from you."

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