22 (2) - Tell Me (18+)

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Sinclair dismisses Oliver and Theo before retreating into his dwellings. He's unusually quiet as he tugs me by the wrist, making a bee-line to the bar. He picks up a bottle of whiskey, pops off the top, then raises it to his lips and tilts his head back.

"Jesus," I mutter, watching his throat bob as he downs the alcohol with ease. "Doesn't that burn?"

He grunts, not bothering to recap the bottle as he smacks it down on the countertop. "Put your hands on the bar."

Something doesn't seem right. I step forward even though my stomach squeezes in warning. "What?"

He swipes away the few strands of hair in his eyes that stray from his bun, glaring at me with an odd amount of rage. "I told you to put your fucking hands on the bar."

The cold note in his voice makes me stiffen. I don't move as I regard him warily. "What's wrong with you?"

He chokes out a dry chuckle. "What's wrong with me, huh?" He doesn't wait for me to move. He steps behind me and wraps his large hands around my waist, lifting me up and roughly plopping me down across the bar so that my upper body lays flat over the surface. I wince as a few bottles noisily shatter to the ground to make room for me.

My hand tightens over my gun. I haven't put her down since the incident. Might be the smartest thing I've done since I got here considering it seems I've pissed off a murderous crime lord.

"You really like to test me," he says, so close that the heat of his body radiates into where my legs dangle to the ground. I squeak as his fingers push up my skirt, baring my ass to the cool air.

He traces the line of my lacy white panties over my cheeks. My blood heats as they slowly creep down until they nearly graze my pussy. But right before I can grind into his hand, the touch vanishes.

I open my mouth to bitch but then his hand comes down. I jump at the startlingly rough touch, the skin of my ass cheeks stinging from the momentum behind his palm.

"What the fuck?" I try and push myself up but his other hand pushes on my back and secures me against the countertop. "What are you—?" I yelp as it comes down on the other cheek, the residual ache making me squirm underneath his clutch.

He rubs the tender skin, soothing the hurt with a gentle touch that makes my lower stomach warm in anticipation. But just when I think it's over he knocks his hand back and flattens it back over the raw flesh. He repeats until I'm panting against the bar, the skin of my cheeks warm from his hand and my pussy tingling from lack of attention.

Sin makes a disapproving noise when I shift my lower half so that his hand slides down to my wet panties as he tries to massage the soreness away.

"No." I groan when he pulls his touch away. "This is a lesson for you."

"A lesson for what?" I wiggle my ass tauntingly at him. "Because I shot some douchebag in the dick?"

I jolt as his hand cracks down again. "Because you didn't listen to what I said. Because you risked your life over something so trivial. But most of all," he says, leaning down until his body hovers over mine and his breath brushes over the side of my face. "You forgot the most important thing I taught you, angel." I gasp as his hand grabs my cunt through the thin cream-colored fabric.

"What's that?" I say a little breathlessly. He looks terrifying draped on top of me with so much enraged heat on his face. I'm torn as to whether I should arch into him or try to run away.

He gently takes the gun from my hands and slides it down across the bar. I let him. Well, guess that answers that question.

"Spread your legs," he says, his fingers rubbing over my dripping cunt even as he stands back up behind me. "As wide as you can get them, angel."

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