21- Exceptionally Beautiful

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I frown over the small compact mirror, my head pounding.

"Theo," I say, pausing as I swipe mascara over my lashes. I hadn't asked for it but Sin left a small bag of cosmetics in the bathroom. It feels oddly nice as I apply a light amount to my face...feminine. It feels like forever since I've allowed myself to be soft and pretty.

Theo bops his head, humming loudly to a Bees Gees song. I'd no idea Sin had a small speaker system in his apartment until Theo took it upon himself to make my ears ring by blasting 70's pop music. "What's up?"

"Can you turn it down a little?" Or off preferably, but I can't bring myself to ask when he manages to look so happy over a crappy little tune. I sigh internally. What happened to the jaded version of this man I saw only a few nights ago?

He grumbles a bit but turns it down slightly. It doesn't relieve the ache behind my skull, but maybe it's just the stress getting to my brain. I smooth my short white dress around the tops of my thighs and try to relax my tense muscles before grabbing the tube of mascara again.

"You alright over there?" Theo says, watching me curiously from where he sits on the couch.

Oliver snorts on the other side of it but otherwise says nothing. It doesn't surprise me. Today he's especially grumpy—probably because he's been assigned to watch over me.

"Just peachy," I murmur. Who wouldn't be delighted to be paraded around in front of a group of blood-thirsty thugs?

Not to mention I'll be in forced proximity with Sinclair. I haven't seen him much in the past few days, making the space between us all the more strained.

"Don't worry. You have both of us to protect you," he pauses, sliding over the cushion to give Oliver a nudge with his elbow. "Right?"

Oliver grunts, crossing his tattooed arms over his chest and glaring at the wall. He looks like he'd rather eat glass.

I snap the compact shut and slouch bag in my chair. "Don't I feel just snug as a bug."

"You should. Do you think he would trust us with you if we weren't capable?"

I shrug. Do I really know who Sinclair is? What he actually wants?

"So much confidence in our little team." Theo stands up and tweaks my wrinkled nose, humming along to an Abba that harmonizes around us.

I start to protest that I'm only just a prisoner (a well-fed and well fucked prisoner, but still) but Theo is already grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. "Come on, it's time."


I think we're going downstairs but instead they pull me out into the club, past the crowd of tight-knit bodies and VIP section dedicated to the incubi and into another hidden room tucked behind the bar.

I frown, looking at the long table set up for gambling and the prominent dark figure that sits at the head of it. His head cocks curiously as I approach, Oliver and Theo taking the seats beside him.

Sin's gaze slowly slithers down my body. I raise an expectant eyebrow when he finally makes it to my face.

He grunts but I don't miss the appreciative glint in his eyes as he pats his lap. I sigh but walk over obediently and plop down on his thighs.

I don't look at him. Things are...weird between us. Tense. To be honest, I'm not sure how to react. How do you talk to a guy that fucked you to high heaven and then proceeded to torture a man all within the same twelve hours?

It's been a few days but it hasn't made the strange aura between us much better. Then again, it also hasn't stopped the craving I have for the feeling of his skin against mine. It's as awful as it sounds—I'm not sure if I want to curl my lip in disgust or bend over so he can fuck me against the table.

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