45- Devil's Tango (18+)

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Sinclair's POV

The warmth of her lips pressed against mine clears something in me. The shroud of darkness parts just enough for me to realize I should loosen my grip on her hair and hold her closer to my body.

I pull back, something hollow and desperate fluttering in my stomach. My muscles threaten to sag with fatigue.

Hungry. I'm so hungry.

"Sin?" she whispers, eyelids fluttering open as she regards me.

Eyes that are soft and golden. Something deep and yearning inside of me lessens at the sight of them.

"Sin," she says again, her hands falling away from my hair and curled readily at her sides. "Can you understand me?"

"I think you're on to something," a baritone rumbles from above. My body stiffens at the sound, darkness seeping back into the recesses of my brain.

My eyes flicker back up to the men that stand above me. Stand above us. Above the female with the sunshine eyes. I was looking for her, wasn't I? Did they take her away from me?

I bare my teeth at them, a snarl ripping from my throat. My sore muscles snap forward but the motion falls short as the metal bindings around my wrist clang noisily.

I'll die before I let them take her from me again.

"Whoa there, buddy," the female murmurs below me. The sound of her voice settles like a soft woolen blanket over the cold bleakness of my mind. She reaches up to run her fingers over the back of my head. "You can settle down. Everything's all good. You're safe here."

My exhausted muscles quiver with the threat lingering so close to us despite the urging sensation to shove my face in her neck and breath her scent into my lungs.

"He's shaking like a threatened animal," she says underneath me. "Do you think you guys can give us some room?"

"This doesn't feel like a good idea, Calli," one of them says, but the retreating sound of his voice tells me he's moving further away. My body relaxes a fraction at the knowledge.

"I think I've gotten through to him, but you guys are setting him off. Please, just give me a chance," she says, her hands stroking through my hair. "He's weak. I can hold my own against him."

One of them sighs deeply. "Something tells me we're making a mistake."

"It's worth a try," the other one murmurs back to him. The dark-haired one, I think. "She can shout if she needs us. He's too weak to break through his chains—we can leave the door cracked."

"Don't die," the smaller male says softly. "I've had too many people go on me. I can't lose you too."

"I'm good," she murmurs. "Really, Theo. I've got this."

I watch them until they retreat to the metallic cavern, away from eyesight. Away from the sunshine-eyed woman. My sunshine-eyed woman.

"Hey," she whispers, her eyes widening as my attention rapidly shifts down to her. "Okay. No more crazed looks. It's just you and me." She cups a warm palm over my cheek.

She's stiff under me although her touch is inviting. She sighs deeply. "I'm probably an idiot for even trying this," she mutters under her breath, then stares pointedly at me. "Don't kill me, please."

I blink, bits of her words finally clicking in my brain. Why would I want to hurt her? The one I've been searching for all this time? But...didn't I just want to wrap my hands around her throat only moments ago? Watch her expression as I snap her bones? Cause her eyes to become glassy with—

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