19- Pillow Talk

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A gust of warm air tickles my cheek. I sigh, brow furrowing as I bury my face in the pillow to escape it. When it gently brushes over my hair, I flap an annoyed hand in its direction, squeaking as my fingers meet a stubbled jaw.

My head jolts up when he grunts underneath my palm. His head is so close to mine that his long austere strands mingle with mine across the pillow, one of his arms thrown over my back and the side of his body flush with mine. His very naked body.

He blinks drowsily at me.

"Oh." I remove my hand from his cheek, trying not to look at his goods. "You were breathing on me."

His eyes flicker shut again, his arm tightening over my waist. I can't manage to do anything other than stare disbelievingly at him. Sinclair Black, notorious hitman-crimelord-incubus alike is curled up at my side like a cat.

I rub the dried spit off my face, eyeing enviously how perfect he manages to look in his sleep. His full lips are parted, the deep breaths passing between them telling me he's already managed to dose off again. The scruff on his face is a tad longer, dark hair tangled over the pillow and spilling over his forehead.

I sigh. Only Sinclair would make something like bedhead sexy.

For a moment, I allow myself to snuggle against him. He's warm and solid and being wrapped in his delicious scent sends a pang of contentment into my chest. But as his sleepy fingers shift over the curve of my hip and send a small trill of desire through my core, a realization dawns in my mind. One that causes me to jolt upwards and grip his forearm like I've stuck my finger in a light socket.

He groans a little, cracking open an eye. It would be cute if I wasn't in a panic.

"Sin. Did you come inside of me?"

"Hm?" His fingers tighten over my waist, his eyes slowly closing again.

"Sin." I shake his shoulder. "Wake up, I'm serious."

"Probably," he mutters drowsily, his arm trying to tug me back down to the bed.

A flash of horror dawns in my chest. "Oh god." I move to get off the mattress, yelping as his arm tightens and tugs me back down to his chest. He blinks at me, looking painfully unconcerned.

"I don't want a baby. I'd make a terrible mother," I murmur, clutching a hand to my stomach in terror as if I can already feel it growing inside of me.

"I'll get you a contraception if that's what you want," he says.

"Isn't that what you want too?" When he doesn't respond, I sigh in exasperation. "You're a crime lord. I doubt you'd have time to balance a tot on your hip."

Sin says nothing as he pulls his phone from the table at the side of the bed and scrolls through his contacts with one hand.

"Do you want a baby?" The curiosity grows as he ignores me, texting Oliver to run to a pharmacy. I huff, poking his stubbled cheek. "Sin."

His eyes flicker over to mine at that but he doesn't push away my finger. "Are you always this annoying in the morning?"

A small smile flits over my lips. "Yes."

"Hm." His eyes flicker back to his phone before he tucks it back on the table. "Oliver will be back with something for you. Just lay down for now."

I frown, tucking my head into the crook of his shoulder and staring up at him. "Are you usually this grumpy in the morning?"

He draws the blankets further up our bodies and closes his eyes. "Yes."

Silence envelopes us. I shut my eyes but my heart shudders in my chest at the feeling of his bare skin against me. I sigh, trying to wiggle into a more comfortable spot before giving up and fixating on his drowsy face. "Sin."

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