33- Bad Dreams & New Beginnings

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I've only ever truly cared about two things in my life—my brother and making sure I have enough money so that my stomach will never ache with hunger pains again.

Since I left my family in Chicago, I've never let anyone get too close to me. To be fair, I didn't willingly let her in either—she wiggled into some kind of important place into my life so quietly that I hadn't even realized I'd begun to develop a fondness until it was too late.

It's strange caring for another soul. It's been so long that I've felt anything of such significance that sometimes the ache in my chest still manages to catch me off guard.

One look at her curled into my side has my hands itching to touch her. To smooth my fingers along every curve and dip of her body, to memorize every dimple and mole and imperfection.

When her lips part, her eyelids fluttering gently in her sleep, something breaks inside of me. I reach forward and trace her plump bottom lip with my thumb.

She groans a little, twining her arm around my waist and latching herself tightly against my body. I gently take her wrist and loosen her grip so she doesn't strain the stitches in her arm.

Stitches she acquired trying to protect me. I almost laugh at the irony of it all. Not only has she somehow changed her agenda in regard to my life in the past few months, but she's also as breakable as any other mortal.

I want to kiss and shake her all at once. That blade could have easily been her end if aimed correctly.

She deserves more than this. To be locked up and treated as my prisoner. All the same, unease rears its ugly head inside of me at the thought of having her leave my eyesight.

I've never been particularly good at expressing how I feel in words. Actions have always come much easier to me. And I do intend to show her.

It isn't safe for her here anymore. I know that, and I think she does too.

"This is our last night here," I whisper. "In the morning, I'll take you somewhere new. Somewhere nicer than this." We'll have an actual home together. Somewhere I know I can keep her safe.

A drowsy sigh passes through her lips as I bury my face in her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. Wishing I could wrap myself in it. A strange tightness festers in my chest.

Before, I could count my weaknesses on one hand. Now there's one that outweighs all of them—only one that could ever result in my undoing. And she fits into my arms so perfectly that I hardly pay the fact any mind.


"One of you will be with her at all times," I say, my grip tightening around the rough texture of my whiskey glass. "You'll take her wherever she wants to go. Let her roam as she pleases. But don't let her out of your sight."

Oliver sighs. "So what—the same as now?"

Theo makes a sound of disbelief as he settles in the space next to Oliver on the couch. "No," he says, tilting his head with curiosity as he takes in the blank look on my face. "You're giving her free will, aren't you?"

I don't respond.

"Christ," Oliver mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. "I thought you were smarter than this. You going to make us go after her again when she runs?"

"She won't," I say, raising the rim to my lips and taking a sip of the smoky liquor. This I know for sure. "She'll have everything she wants. You'll take her shopping, bring her to dinner. But never let her leave your sight."

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