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In which a girl falls in love with the boy of her dreams, but everyone tries to rip them apart.


In which the boy finally gets the girl, but is oblivious to the battles she's fighting.


Dawn Morante as Melody Jane

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Dawn Morante as Melody Jane

Contact: melly🐥
Zach's contact: my love☹

"Zach, I'm in love with you, but I am not driving for two hours so you can get Sonic again."

Zach Herron as Zach Herron

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Zach Herron as Zach Herron

Contact: mels crush🤢
Melody's contact: beautiful:)<3

"You're so gorgeous, darling. You'd be even prettier if you shaved your head."

' MOTIVE ' - zach herronWhere stories live. Discover now