Chapter 7

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It was Ashley.

"Where are you?"

"I'm here at Mark's.", I gladly responded.

"Ohh. I miss you Hayes."

"Yeah. We haven't seen each other for a while. I promise I'll be meeting you this weekend.", I sworn.

"Don't make promises."


"Just don't."

"No, it's okay. You can tell me why."

"The thing is, I always fall for promises. So don't make promises you don't intend to keep.", she said in pain with her voice.

With what she said, I presumed that someone broke a promise to her before that's why she's afraid to trust again.

"Hey Ash.", I calmed her. "Look. I can't promise that I will never hurt you. But I promise you this.", I continued. "I won't make promises if I don't plan on standing to it."


"WHO WANTS FRIGGIN VODKAS?", Mark interrupted and handed each one of us a bottle of vodka.

"Shut up.", I said.

"Put the phone down first. You can talk to your girlfriend later.", Jack playfully instructed.

They all laughed at me.

"Who was that?", she doubtedly asked.

"Just Jack. I'll call you later, Ash."

Zach plucked my phone from my hands.

"BYE ASH I LOVE YOU!!", they simultaneously shouted and Zach pressed the end call button.

"Come on guys!!" I got a bit exasperated with what they did.

"You love us, Hayes.", Mark teasingly uttered those words as he was walking back to us holding a tray of glasses with cold ice.

Zach tossed back my phone and I catched it.

"But seriously though, what's going on with you and this Ashley girl?", Jack questioned.

"Wow. So you're interviewing me now."

"Answer the question bro." Zach was determined to hear my answer.

"Nothin. She just makes me smile like the way Sam did."

"OOOOOOH!", they shouted in unison.

"I bet this, in a month.", Mark started.

"No. In two weeks.", Brian competed.

"What? No dudes. I bet this in 5 days.", Zach spoke.

"Come on guys", Jack arrogantly said and looked at each one of us and gave us a smirk. "Do you even know Hayes? I'll bet they'll be on tomorrow."

"Except no. Because we're just friends."

"Yeah whatever. Let's give the guy a break.", Brian supported me and patted my back. "Maybe they're really just friends."

They rolled their eyes at us with disbelief.

But it's true. We're just friends. Not anything more than that. Certainly, I'm not rejecting opportunities. Maybe, just maybe, someday, I'd fall for her too.

We jabbered relentlessly for an hour or two.

"Bye guys!", Mark said his farewell to us.

It was a long, long day. This day was draining and excessively exhausting.

So I got to my room and sat down, letting myself fall from my back. It was immensely a great day.

Before falling asleep, I contacted Ashley.

"Hey beautiful.", I talked.

She suppressed a giggle. I chortled in return.

"Stop lying.", she said with uncertainty and disbelief.

"You know I'm not."

Just right now, I can picture her in her bed smiling to what I just said.

"Fuck you.", she chuckled. "You always know how to make me smile."

"Yep. I know I do.", I confidently replied.

"Soo, I'm really half asleep right now. You know how I feel right?"

"You feel tired and you wanna rest and just never wake up?", I joked.

"I hate you!", she giggled loudly.

I laughed. I know she's tired, I am too. So I sheltered myself in my sheets. Ohhhhhhhhh so cozyyyyyy.

"Hayes.", she called my attention. "I'm really in need of rest right now. Let's sleep now. Can we?"


"Goodnight, Hayes."

"Goodnight, Ash."

I wanted to say I love you, but I kept it to Goodnight because love means some falling and she's afraid of heights. I have no intentions of making her fall because it will hurt, it will hurt so bad. And never would I want to hurt her.

I know I'm starting to get attached to her. I'm starting to like her. Because that's how fate goes, that's how the world is. I always get infatuated with someone whom I know will inevitably break my heart.

So many thoughts going on in my mind, I can't sleep. My head started to ache. I got out of bed and drank a pain reliever. I went back and slept soundly.

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