Chapter 2: Green Eyes

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I rubbed my eyes with my tiny hands and looked up at the ceiling again. It was a midnight black with a crystal silver chandelier hanging from it. I then turned to look left, then right. This was a black box with no windows and a silver chandelier as the only light source.

Where am I?

Did those weird voices send me here?

I looked around for some more time. Then I started hearing some more voices. This time, they sounded real, human.

"The baby? What's wrong with him? He seems harmless," I heard an aged woman say.

"Exactly. He seems harmless, but he isn't. He's a demon," Replied an aged man.

"What are you talking about? My baby is no demon. He's just...unique!"

"Then explain his eyes. They are green."

Bish, green is my real eye color. Are you stupid?

"They are also glowing! Is that no indication?"



"No buts! He is a demon! He will be offered as a sacrifice to the demon king tomorrow. Prepare him."

What sacrifice? And why are you acting like an annoyed teacher?

The voices started getting closer, coming towards me.

Then, the door opened.

The elderly people walked in.

The lady looked like a Madame, and the man next to her looked like her husband.

"Aga, ga goo," I babbled out. I was trying to say 'Who are you?' and ended up with...whatever gibberish I had just said.

"Awww, so cute! After 23 years of our marriage, we finally got a child! And now you want to put him up as a sacrifice. You are pure evil," the Madame said.

"Honey, we found this child on the road, abandoned. I told you we should have not taken it in."

"Don't you dare call our child an 'it'!!" revolted the Madame.

"It doesn't matter! We are going to get him ready. I can feel the darkness this thing emits."

The man had short, white hair, big, pink lips and small crystal blue eyes. The lady also had white hair, but they were long and beautifully put into a bun. A few loose strands came down on the sides of her face. The man wore an old fashion suit and the lady wore a puffy dress, like in the middle ages.

These people look like Ethan and Maria from that novel I binged. What the heck? Eh, this is probably a dream.

They continued to argue back and forth until suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," the elderly man rumbled.

The door opened and people in knights armor walked in.

"Hello ma'am, sir, we are here to take the baby away."

464 words loll

i need to move on from this point-

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