Chapter 42

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um...i was hospitalized for a week and was recovering...sorry it took so online course was a bitch as well...i really am sorry...sigh


Asher looked at the communication device he had built for his and Hade's use in silence.

It was weird.

Something like this had happened before in this world specifically. Actually, it had happened quite a few times, but only in this world. Each time, though, there would be a weird static noise for a few minutes before the world would go back to normal as if nothing had happened.

That in itself was weird already, but now the world was in utter silence. Asmodeus was also in gray, sitting on an armchair in his room which Asher had entered to check. The last time the static occurred was when he was in this room and exploring it. Suddenly the room had grayed and only a low static noise was audible.

He had taken this opportunity to snatch a stone that had caught his interest but was interrupted by the world going back to normal.

One more thing, the system hadn't spoken to him this entire time, leading Asher to believe he was some sort of anomaly, but why was Adonis frozen? Hade had told him that Adonis was like them. Could it be he was like himself? An anomaly as well?

But why was the system solely targeting Adonis? Perhaps a bug that the system is trying to annihilate? Why only Adonis though? Why not himself?

A interesting.

Asher glanced at the frozen Asmodeus in dismay, pursing his lips before picking up the stone that he had tried to get his hands on previously, quite a long time ago now, and started to stare at it in wonder.

The reason the stone had caught his eye was that it was the only object that had color in it, as though it did not belong to this world. Its crimson glow seemed to illuminate the area it had occupied on the dresser, giving off an eerie vibe.

Why Asmodeus had possession of it, was something Asher was curious about. Seeing how Asmodeus' reaction when he first picked up the stone had been, it was definitely important. Perhaps a family heirloom?

Asher shook his head, right now wasn't quite the time to ponder this.

"Asher..." Hade's voice slowly rose through the communicator, "What do I do?"

He sounded helpless and scared.

In all honesty, Asher had forgotten that he had been in the middle of a conversation with Hade, so when he heard his voice, Asher slightly flinched.

He hadn't yet told Hade about his discovery of the stone.

Asher let out a quiet sigh, although he was mentally older than Hade, physically he was still 19 years old. He had been 19 years old when he had entered the infinite flow bullshit and had lost count of the years he had been in. Naturally, he had more experience in different worlds too, and Hade knew this, thus why he relied so much on Asher.

"I found something," Asher responded after a few seconds of contemplating.


"It's...a glowing–"

Before he could finish, the world shook. Asher lost his balance and made heavy contact with the ground. In an attempt to not damage the crimson stone in his hands, he hugged it as he fell. Once he acted, strangely enough, he started to feel his energy draining from him. He landed on his face and felt as though he was losing touch with the world. Before he fully lost conscience though, he saw as the world around him slowly regained its original color and stabilized. He also noticed a blurry figure seemingly run towards him in a fret.

Asher revealed an embarrassed and annoyed expression.

"Well fuck.'

'Makes it to my top 10 worst ways to get knocked out,' Asher thought as the world went black to him.


Hade watched in awe as the world around him shook and regained its original color. He had suddenly lost contact with Asher and had fallen on his butt facing Hue and Adonis.

"What did he want to tell me?' Hade silently thought, watching as Adonis and Hue came back to life.

A look of confusion seemed to cross Adonis' face before he recomposed himself in front of the child and asked her if she was okay.

Hue looked up at the man above her in wonder, her big green eyes reflecting Adonis' face in them.

"Why wouldn't we be?" she questioned, "Though we were talking just now, I forgot about what though..." She whispered in a barely audible voice, as though she was afraid that the man who didn't seem to be affected by her cursed powers would be disappointed and leave her.

To her pleasant surprise, the man had the same response, "Neither do I..."

He then questioningly looked at Hade, silently asking him what happened.

Hade shook his head, pretending not to know either.

Adonis then brought his attention back to Hue and let out a light laugh, "Seems like we both forgot what we were talking about mid-conversation haha!"

Hue let out a little smile along with Adonis.

It appeared as though the NPCs didn't remember what they were doing immediately before the glitch happened.

NPCs...Adonis was an NPC...

What did he expect? The system was a cruel entity, after all, this was probably one of its stupid tricks.

Adonis was so fun to play with, and had such a calming presence over Hade for some reason, despite not wanting to have anything to do with himself. It saddened Hade the more he thought about it silently, yet at the same time he seemed to quickly come to terms with it. What was bound to happen would happen, there was nothing he could do about it.

And what had already happened had happened.

"Well anyways," Adonis said, interrupting Hade's depressing thoughts, "I don't remember what we were talking about, but do you want to come with us to the demon lord's castle?"

"The fog," Hade cut in, not allowing Hue to respond, "Is that your doing?"

He wanted to finish the conversation that had been going on.

Adonis visibly flinched at Hade mentioning it. A deeper look of confusion flashed across his eyes, going unnoticed by everyone but Hade.

But Hade momentarily ignored it, he would ask what was wrong later, though he was half-certain about what was going through his mind at the current time.

Thoughts like 'Something's weird, something's not right' most likely violated Adonis' mind.

A short period of memory loss wasn't quite normal either, now was it? Especially for no apparent reason.

Hue ignored Hade, not answering him, as though he was just an illusion.

She looked at Adonis, trying to read whether he wanted to know the answer or not.

Adonis, noticing Hue's silent stare, softly repeated the question, his low voice entering the ears of the two people looking at him expectantly, "Did you create the fog?"

Hade masked his slight irritation with a small smile, it wasn't like he was a cockroach, why was he being ignored?

"Y-yes," Hue stuttered out, "It just...came to be I guess."

Hearing her answer, Adonis unexpectedly slammed the ground with his foot and looked up at the foggy sky in irritation.

Hue looked up at him, afraid that she had said the wrong answer.

Then, the purpled-haired man in front of her looked down at her and smiled, apologizing for the sudden action.

"Sorry," He said, "I don't know why I did that...but thank you for telling us. It means a lot."

He then continued, "So what is your power? And do you know that Queen Lemora, the elf queen, seems to be after you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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