Chapter 7: Chair

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Early update cus i'm going on a trip (on my favorite rocket-ship, going through the skyyyyyyyyyy little ein-SLAP)



It's been a few years. 

Well...more like 20.

I have adjusted to this life.

Everything's going according to the novel.

The demon king is dead.

The heroes killed him.

Sad, I know, but he wasn't exactly good. Or bad. He didn't give any attention to his only son and heir, and after he died, he left everything to an 18-year-old to handle.

Like honestly, how can a goddamn 18-year-old take care of the whole kingdom?

Anyways, his annoying prick-of-a-son went ahead and took over the throne.

Goddamn bastard gives me so much paper work to do.

Also, I'm (not so) proud to say that I am one of the best servants in this castle

Fuck you Malus. Over the years, as he became older, his physical appearance started looking like a 20 year old and his voice became slightly higher pitched, though it was still pretty deep.

You wouldn't think the a guy like that would have such a deep voice.

My daily schedule was something like: Wake up, get dressed, avoid bumping into Malus (especially when he's not in human form. That means he's pissed), wake Asmodeus (the annoying 18-year-old demon king) up, and do paper work. Goddamn paperwork.

My day today had been going annoyingly bad. When I woke up and got dressed, a stupid maid bumped into me, which resulted in spilt tea on my suit. Then I bumped into a really pissed-off Malus. He was doing work that he can only do in human form, so I got to (involuntarily) see the suspicious marks on his neck.

I'm pretty sure he had a fight with his lover or something.

He made me clean his room, including the fucking toilet. THE F-ING TOILET

Like what. The. Heck. That's one way to start the day off.

Then I woke Asmodeus up, and he looked really cranky. Like so cranky, he just pointed to his desk and said, "Paperwork. Some citizens spotted humans who look like heroes. Tell 'em to fuck off."

I felt like smacking him right then and there in front of the guards, but I managed to hold back.

Also, to make matters worse, the goddamn 'heroes' showed up while Asmodeus, (more like I) was holding court proceedings.

This never happened in the original. This was supposed happen when Asmodeus was older.

I finally lost my cool and took the biggest item I could find near me, (which, by the way, was a chair), and threw it at the 'heroes' who managed to give me more paperwork than normal.

One of the humans were surprised and yelled out, "Wow there! Careful!" as the chair smashed onto the rock-hard floor and one of the pieces came flying towards me.

Ah fuck, can this day get any worse?

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