Chapter 25: It Has Begun

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And then it hit me. The queen and her family came to visit and attend the ball when Asmodeus turned 19. The attack was held 15 years later. They also came 2 months earlier than expected.

However, for some reason, the queen was holding her attack now. Did her and her family coming two months earlier have an effect on this?

Dumbass, how could you have mixed up such an important event?!

It was almost as if my memories had been messed with.

However, what kind of moron would do something so risky? Didn't they even consider the fact that if I remembered and found out who did this, they would die?

I sighed and shook my head.

First things first, I told myself. I started towards Asmodeus' chamber.

As I was walking, I saw a crowd of servants gathering around the elf children's rooms. After deciding that something was really wrong, not something that a few measly servants could handle, I walked up to them.

"What's going on?" I asked calmly.

The servants all seemed to mentally jump at that moment.

None of the servants seemed to have enough courage to look me in the eyes. They looked frightened, as if they had made not just any mistake, but had committed a blunder.

"What is going on?" I asked again, this time my calm voice was replaced with a cold and commanding tone.

I could afford absolutely no big mistakes at this point of the plot. It was necessary for as many things possible to go according to the plot, or I was afraid everything could fall into ruins.

My plan basically depended on this attack. An ally of the elf queen, whos name I was this close to forgetting at this point because I was starting to dislike her, was the human kingdom.

I recently found out that the four kingdoms have names, but to be honest I had disregarded the names in the novel because they were all too complicated for me.

The human kingdom was named Emberi. I was pretty sure the author got that off google translate or something because when I put it into google (it looked cool) it showed me translations from Hungarian to English.

The author was so lazy, I had thought at that time, but soon I realized that the name might have had another meaning behind it. Anyways, once I take over, I will be naming it Avalon.

The reason? I randomly thought of it while sketching something. First I was thinking of the spelling Avelon, but Avalon looked and sounded better. It also sounded majestic. I also liked what it meant.

Anyways, the reason the upcoming attack would benefit me would be because it would give me a valid excuse to launch an attack against the elf queen--the elf kingdom, Elahara.

However, if the servants were this frightened, something serious must have happened.

As I was waiting for a response from someone, anyone, hoping that the servants were just overreacting and nothing had actually happened, I saw one of them slowly backing away from the crowd.

"Where are you going?" I asked from behind him, flashing the best weapon I had right now, which was a small knife still capable of killing someone.

"No-nowhere sir," she replied, "Nowhere at, but may I ask," she paused for a moment, waiting for my response. I raised an eyebrow then gave a slight nod.

" you perhaps know where queen Lemora's children are?"

Ah...this probably means it's definitely going to happen today.

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