Chapter 33

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Sorry for the month long hiatus happened TT anyways I updated with a chapter with around 1200+ words, and wouldve written more but i needed to get this chapter out— anyways thanks a lot for y'all's patience and enjoy reading! :)

Edit— it's been edited now XD forgot to look over it lolol

Havoc wouldn't really be the right word if I was being completely honest. It was more like one of those cliché scenes in horror/thriller books and TV shows where the glass breaks for some reason and suddenly there's a mystery to be solved.

The "havoc" in question turned out to be a very young boy running out of the house where the sounds of screaming (and of course the glass breaking) had previously come from.

The heavy fog had (for some reason) started following the boy after he had come out of the house. It was like a string made of fog had wrapped around the boy's waist once and the remaining "fog" was just kind of hanging from the end in a very loose but thick, wavy string.

Honestly, what happened to girl power? All this novel so far has been showing are men and boys holding unnecessary power. Stupid author. No respect.

I silently cursed the author while standing there looking all intimidating with a frowny face and a bent, ready to fight stance. I was ready to face the boy if I had to.

In the end I didn't have to because the boy wasn't running towards me; he was running towards the woods we had come from.

I decided not to follow after him. After all, Hade was unconscious on the ground and in pain because of the poison and the slash wound that I still couldn't figure out the cause of.

I swear, once I find that woman who did this, I'm going to butcher her alive.

A sadistic smile started forming on my face. If it wasn't the lady's fault, and something or someone really was controlling her, I would just...well, hehe.

As for the boy, I would worry about him later.

Then, suddenly, a female voice asked from behind me, "What are you doing?"

Shocked, I turned around, jumped back and unsheathed the katana I had just sheathed. Slightly panting, I pointed it at the female.

She immediately raised her hands in a surrendering manner. Her big, green eyes watched me with curiosity, her light colored clothing seemed to shine on her tan skin. Blonde, almost white hair glittered in the sunlight.

She was shorter than me, probably only about 4'5 ft. like an eleven year old child.

"Woah there honey, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

I edged closer with my katana. It was dangerously glowing, the light was increasing threateningly, and with it, my eyes also started glowing faintly.

I silently stared at the woman disguised as a child.

A few seconds later, she gave up on her innocent show and revealed a dangerous smile. Looking up in a mildly threatening manner, she asked again, "What do you think you're doing, you little arrogant shit?"

"No," I replied in a calm but intimidating tone, "What do you think you're doing, you short piece of shit?"

I then cocked my head towards an invisible string that was trying to make its way through the barrier I had created to protect Hade while still looking at the bitch.

"Oh?" She seemed mildly surprised, "You saw that? Well then, good for you I suppose."

The thin line continued poking and prodding at the shield I had made for Hade.

I made an annoyed expression. My left eye started ticking from irritation

"If you know I noticed it, doesn't that mean you should just stop?"

At this point the disguised woman wasn't even pretending to care about the fact there was a literal weapon being pointed at her.

She put her hands down and retracted the string slowly.

Ignoring what I had just said she remarked, "Damn, your defense is pretty decent. How come your friend over there got hurt? Even I could defend against a commoner like her."

At that statement I immediately started thinking of ways I could possibly butcher this bitch alive without getting caught and in trouble.

There was no reason to remind me of the fact that I couldn't protect Hade. I didn't think I would need to because I knew he could protect himself.


"You saw what happened?" I asked after her reply.

She changed her expression from smug to confused in less than three seconds. However, for a second in between, she made an unrecognizable expression.

Eyebrows raised, eyes wide open, green eyes glittering, she asked, "What happened?" then she continued, "I don't know what happened!"

My irritation continued to grow as she started saying stupid things. Of course she saw what happened, who would fall for her bad acting. She couldn't even act the age she looked.

However, she had seen Hade get hurt, and had let the woman run away. Of course she was a stranger, so I didn't expect her to do anything that would necessarily act in our benefit, but seeing how she had reacted to it normally, and also hadn't run away, showed that she probably wasn't a normal villager. It was also possible that she had been following us on purpose. Wasn't it also possible that she knew who hurt Hade?

Also, I think it would be better to keep my mouth shut and pretend that I didn't know she had been following us. I needed more information on what her purpose was before I revealed that I knew for sure whether or not she was an obstacle that needed to be removed. First, I would attempt to find out when she started following us and what her reason was.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, the woman across from me seemed to have been thinking of something as well, "Oh, and I think that your friend over there may want some medical help," she suddenly mentioned, snapping me out of my speculations.

"Well, who would've guessed?" I asked, "He obviously does."

She stared at me for about a second seemingly in the middle of trying to determine if I was trying to act stupid or if I just was stupid judging by her expression currently.


"Well, won't you be going to someone who can help?"

This time it was my turn to stare at her with my own "Are you dumb or just stupid" look.


"Well...? Why aren't you?" she asked curiously.

At that, I launched into a paragraph in words full of sarcasm, "Oh yeah, I've just been covered by some mysterious fog that disappeared when some boy came out of some house after breaking some glass or whatever, and then I was stopped by this random lady. I have no idea what she wants from me, by the way, and I didn't ask to be stopped by her. Wonder what could've been stopping me from finding help for my friend?"

The 'poor' lady stared at me with wide, wronged eyes.

"I-...Uh, do you need directions?" her attitude had completely changed after asking if I needed help for some reason

I irritatedly sighed, "Yes...please."

As much as I hated asking a suspicious person for help, it was important for Hade to get his situation more stabilized as soon as possible. That make-shift wrap wasn't going to last long. Looking for some hospital or whatever could possibly take too long and...well...I didn't want to think of it.

She gave me some directions, then set off before I could get any more information out of her. I hadn't even gotten the chance to ask for her name, let alone try to find out why she had been spying on us.

Then again, there was always that one possibility that she had just been some kind of guard, standing watch near the entries of the village. I mean, it would make sense if that was what she was, seeing how a full-blown war had begun.

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