Chapter 18: Heated "Conversation"

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Bruh 4.5K+ views...howwww not that I'm complaining but hoowwww I'm literally as shocked as Adonis :0 tho ive gotta admit ppl rlly do like the segzy ppl in my character intro loll
Shock continued to overwhelm me.


This time I finally got off my bed to talk, "How? Since when?"

Hade took a few steps back towards the wall while I continued walking forward, resulting in me cornering Hade, but I couldn't have cared less about that right now.

"S-since forever?" Hade stuttered.

I stared at Hade for a bit in some more shock before finally letting it sink in. 

So Hade and I aren't the only ones to reincarnate. No wonder Hade doesn't look like how the author described the hero and Asher exists...what is going on?

"Let me just get one more thing straight," I told Hade, "Is Hade your real name? And is this how you looked before reincarnating?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, one of the reasons I was interested in this story was because I had the same first and last name as the real Hade in the novel. I also looked like him."

"Okay," I said, "What do you think are the chances that Asmodeus also reincarnated?"

"I don't know," Hade answered honestly, "To be honest I wouldn't be that surprised if Asmodeus was also a reincarnated person."

Hade suddenly looked down and started wondering aloud, "Well, I wouldn't find it surprising, but have you noticed something me you and Asher have in common?"

I started thinking as well, "Well...we all probably have the same features we had before reincarnating," I assumed Asher had the same features since me and Hade looked the same way we did before dying, "And we also have the same names we did before reincarnating...but there's one thing I don't understand."

Hade looked up, "And what's that?"

"Why is it that only you are the only person that actually existed before? I suppose the demon assistant existed too but he was introduce at least a century before Asmodeus was born. But I came into being only two years before Asmodeus was born, and a male side kick hero didn't exist in the novel, unless you count that one furry guy that ended up--"

"No, we don't talk about that," Hade suddenly cut me off. His face had turned into a red tomato from the embarrassment. For some reason, I couldn't resist smiling at the site.

I want to tease him more. 

"Anyways, yeah, the man had a bi harem. Do you think that you'll have to do that in the future...y'know, as like a side task of your system thingy?"

Some how, after I mentioned that, Hade's already-tomato red face blushed even harder.


"Wait, do you really have a task like th-"

"Shut up, shut up, shuddap, shaddap, nomytaskisn'tlikethatIjustneedtogetintoaromanticrelationshipwithsomeoneinthisworldgenderdoesn'tmatteraslongaseitherIortheotherpersonintercourseswithmethoughIwouldpreferbeingtopifit'saguyorjustagirlingeneralthoughIdon'tthinkthat'slikelytohappenbecausethereareNOFUCKINGGIRLSINTHEPALACEORANYWHERE."

My eyes widened and I staggered backwards a few steps, my mouth started widening into a grin then I ended up breaking out into a hard laugh. I ended up falling onto the bed, "SLOW DOWN AHAHAHAHA PLEASE OH MY GOD I CAN'T BREATH SO THAT'S WHY YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, YOU MIGHT NEED TO- NEED TO- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Sure, I might've been a bit insensitive but it was too funny.

Hade looked so angry I could practically see fumes of anger coming out of his ears. He rushed forwards and pinned my hands onto the bed, "I told you to shut up," he said, his voice was slightly trembling and his face was still red, tears of embarrassment were starting to for, "I hope you understand that that person could be you."

I immediately stopped laughing. I looked up in horror, this time my voice was trembling, "What?" 

My face started to gradually heat up. 

Then, in the worst possible moment that could've been chosen during the entire day, my female servant-- I mean guard that had been guarding the elves' door barged in with her eyes shut, "SIR, THERE'S A PROBLEM!"

Then she opened her eyes, and guess what she saw?





She saw the most wrong position she had ever seen in her life. Her expression darkened.

I had the strange urge to justify our actions, "It's not what you think-"


She then slammed the door shut and heavy and hurried footsteps could be heard running away.

Hade and I looked at each other for a few seconds, when Hade decided to make things get even more heated, "Well...I mean, why don't I get my task done and over with~?"

My faced blushed even more. Even after knowing the answer, I stubbornly insisted a direct answer, "What do you mean?"

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