Double update notice

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Hey guys!! I'm so sorry for randomly going on a 3 month hiatus— I had some exams coming up (there will be a lot more in May TvT)— and I'll try to make it so it doesn't happen again.

Thanks for waiting to those who waited! I'm here to inform y'all that there will be another update in a few hours or less, I'm currently working on the next ch.

And one more thing I forgot to mention: when Adonis went out to buy clothes, he got some other appliances lol

ALSO—this was mentioned in the last ch but uhhhh to my older readers—ehe the currency im following is—

50 copper equaled one silver and 100 silver equaled one gold.

I didn't title this as "a/n" cus I've got some trauma lol and I'm sure y'all would've freaked out too seeing how long it's been since I've updated.

I forgot to put all that ^ in the prev ch that's why I'm making a separate part

again, thank you all for sticking with me this far, and I hope you all have a great remainder of your day!

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