Chapter 37

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I needed to know her purpose.

I didn't want her ruining the stage I had somehow managed to set up through great difficulty.


I stared into Mara's eyes. She stared back.

She slowly nodded her head.

A smile started forming on my lips.

I finally realized something. Something I hadn't even thought about.

My goal.

It had originally been as simple as killing the human who decided to send me away from a nice, carefree life.

What was I doing?

Now, I have ended up setting a stage. One where I can watch an interesting show unfold.

Like a movie.

This life, this book character I have become...perhaps it's fate.

I had been a tad bit bored when I was alive in the...real world.

Now that I'm here, can't I treat everything as fun and games?


I started lightly chuckling.

"Ah...continue, continue with your fun."

Mara looked at me with great uncertainty.

"Have you finally gone insane, sir?"

I raised an eyebrow at her.


Some type of fear seemed to creep into her eyes. 

That's right.

Why had I become so alert? Just because she was an anomaly? Hell, this whole world was an anomaly. Fuck the novel, nothing was going according to it.

Not to mention, that classic "system" bullshit was here too. What even was reality anymore?

Not to mention my memory. It seems that it had been meddled with by someone.

This person...she wasn't behind it.

However, she could be still be useful.

She knew about medicine and had interesting powers. Rather than becoming her enemy, wouldn't it be better if she came with me?

Ah but there was her girlfriend too.

Should I just kill her?

But being labeled as a murderer...that didn't sound fun.

Nah, I won't kill her.

"Ok, then I'll start having my fun," Mara said, the fear in her eyes completely masked. It seemed as if she had recovered from the scare I had given her by laughing randomly.

I raised an eyebrow. Wasn't she already having fun, being annoying and suspicious or whatever?

"I feel like the mood's been too dark for some time now," she told me, "Let's stay here for some more time, hm?"

I inwardly sighed, what did she want now?

However, I agreed. It had, indeed, been getting too dark and heavy themed lately. The war, that suspicious figure that had struck Hade, his decreasing health, this lady provoking me—wait a minute.

I had spaced out and didn't even realize when the distance between me and her had closed until I felt a hand touch my shoulders from behind.

I immediately reacted by turning around and pushing her hands off with a surprised face.

I opened my mouth, "...what...?"

She smiled.

"That's weird," she wondered aloud, "It doesn't work on you...?"

" like someone? Maybe the person that you came in with...?"

My jaw dropped.

"Why do you think...?"

"So many question marks indeed hahah," she cackled, "Well, this turned out to be more fun than I thought it would."

What in the fuck is going on.

Me? Like Hade? When? How? Where'd she get that idea from? I barely had time for me-time, how could I have time to develop a romantic interest?

Also what was with that terrifying cackle?

Maybe she was a witch in her past life. I mean, why not?

Also, I feel like a lot of people are shipping me with him, although indirectly...

This is slightly concerning.

"...........ermmmmmmm," I was trying to find the right words to use, "I don't have a problem with...homosexuality, but..."

"Ughhhhhhh I don't know anymore."

I gave up.

"—why am I asking if you like Hade?"

Ah, that's it, those are the right words!

Wait, that was so simple. Why couldn't I think of the right words?

I nodded my head.

"Sexual tension"

"What?" She didn't say...what I think she said, right?

"Sexual tension. There's like this heavy sexual tension between you, didn't you guys almost get nasty when we were trying to treat your friend? Honestly, did your parents not teach you about public decency and manners?"

I shut my mouth.

Why was she right???????

Yes, wrong time, wrong place...but Hade initiated!

And sexual tension? Again, Hade and his horny tendencies were to blame!! Actually no, that horny ass wizard was to blame!

Also, why the fuck did she bring that up???

...I asked...


"I-okay...whatever. What were you trying to do to me in the first place?"

She smirked, "I was trying to seduce you and force you to let me out of this," she waved her hands around, ""


Makes sense.

Actually no, she was trying to seduce me....? Honestly, asking would've been enough.

My failed interrogation was complete, so there was no use staying in such a dangerous place.

Her bullshit move diverted my attention.

"..wait. Before I escort us out, other than sexual tension or whatever," I felt my face heating up, "How did you...conclude that

Gosh this was embarrassing....

"Honey, it's a secret."

She winked and smiled at me.

I knew I should've killed her before.

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