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"Has there ever been a more glorious sight than a cruel world consumed by flames? Burning the pain and hurt of before, paving the way for something better to take its place?"

"This is a dream."

"Interesting choice of words, Chosen. Dreams are desires."

"Nightmare, then."

"Dream, nightmare, who cares. Point is, this could be real. All you have to do is..."

The sight of flames consuming the earth flicker every time Stella closes her eyes. She has enough problems, what with Malivore stuck in the basement and sneaking around Hope like she'll break, but to add Fenrir's stupid dreams on top of it? It just makes her head pound.

Even in this super squad meeting, she simply sits at the window ledge, allowing the sun from outside to shine on her face as the others take bets as to how long it will take before Hope storms in. Stella knows it will be a couple of minutes at most, but the others believe longer.

She takes a moment to look around the room at the people she trusts with her life. Josie is closest to her, their hands gripping each other tightly. Since Malivore was captured, Stella hasn't been able to tear herself away. Isaac leans against the headmaster's desk which is filled with papers. Vanessa stands at his side with her arms crossed as she watches the students, though Stella suspects she may just be listening as Aaron fidgets next to her. Lizzie, MG, and Kaleb all sit in seats in front of the desk, talking amongst themselves.

"You ok?" Josie asks, lowering her voice as she meets Stella's gaze.

Stella will never get tired of staring into Josie's brown eyes. "I just didn't sleep well," she replies, squeezing her hand. "I'm ok as long as you're here, love. Promise."

"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?"

"It's just Malivore freaking me out." Fenrir's voice echoes in her mind. "I did piss him off. He's waiting to make his move. I want him dead before he can."

Josie nods and swings their joined hands a bit.

"Isaac, what the hell?" Everyone stops as Hope bursts into the office, slowing down as she sees everyone. "Well, this is awkward. Nobody told me that there was gonna be a Super Squad meeting this morning. Just like nobody told me about the barrier spell that was put up in the gym."

Stella avoids meeting Hope's gaze as Isaac sighs, saying, "That's because this is an emergency session about how we're gonna deal with Malivore."

"And how you fit into that plan," Vanessa adds, leveling her stare.

Hope clenches her jaw. "Then I'm all ears. Plan away."

"Not my plan," Isaac replies and turns to MG.

MG shifts in his seat. "Cleo's the key to all of this, our problem being that Landon...Malivore...Malidon? Has consumed her. Which means we have to assume that she's in the belly of the beast, in the pocket dimension inside of Mali...whatever."

"Yeah, I've been there twice," Hope shrugs. "You can skip to the actual plan."

"If we can find Cleo, she may be able to inspire us with a way to get her out."

Hope frowns. "And what about Landon?"

"Took longer than I expected, but there it is," Lizzie mutters. "Does someone else want to tell her or should I?"

Stella sighs as she stands up from the windowsill and walks over to place her palms against the wooden desk. "Cleo's the target, but we're hoping she'll inspire a way to get Landon out too."

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now