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Aaron can hear his heart beating in his ears as he looks around at the other Squad members. New Orleans is gorgeous, but he has never truly been there. Whatever this is is supposed to be modeled after what Josie saw when she went—dark alley that would normally be filled with people now deserted except for Hope Mikaelson.

He can't find the rage he expected to feel. Stella Hale is his friend, as strange as that may seem. They are destined to be enemies, yet he would give his life to defend her. She already proved she would do the same, so why can't he feel angry about what happened? Why does he simply feel pity?

He holds his breath as Hope walks down the street, a beignet in her hand. "You're a long way from home," she calls out, turning as Cleo comes out of the shadows. She drops the pastries, and Aaron almost wishes he believed this would go differently.

"You're not an easy person to find," Cleo replies. "I came to talk."

"So, now, are all the other people getting into position around me gonna join the conversation? You can come out now."

Aaron shares a look with the others as they follow Hope's instruction, coming into the dull light around them, surrounding Hope. Aaron stays close to Josie, a hand on his sword at all times. Hope simply grins as she looks at them all. "This looks like the worst album cover of all time. I'm gonna give you all the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't get my message? Maybe it was too subtle."

Josie picks her chin up. "As angry as I am for what you did to Stella, we're regretfully here to help."

"That's noble. But fourteen hours in a van and that's the best you come up with? Guess Stella really was the brains. Bringing the traitor along wasn't a good idea either."

"Don't let her get to you," MG states as everyone begins shifting on their feet, preparing. "She's just trying to provoke us."

Hope's eyes glow amber in the dark, fangs popping out of her gums. "You should have kept your stupid Squad out of my sight."

"Hope, listen to us," Cleo says. "It doesn't have to happen this way."

"No, it doesn't. But on the other hand, it kind of sounds like fun. Externa conatus." A force of magic slams into Aaron's gut, sending everyone to the ground.

The vampires recover first, making them Hope's first target. She runs up to Kaleb and tosses him into a wooden table; a table leg shoots through his chest, waiting for Hope to rip it from his body and toss it into MG's. As Hope gets busy incapacitating Cleo, Aaron grabs Josie's hand, letting her siphon magic as he taps his stamina and strength runes. By the time Josie is ready and lets go, Hope is already ripping Jed's heart out and decapitating Ethan.

"Ad somnum." Josie closes her hand into a fist. They watch as Hope drops to the ground, but Aaron knows it can't be that easy. He's proven right as Hope surges up to her feet, deflecting his sword, twisting his arm until the blade plunges through his own chest instead.

He gasps awake to find himself back in the gym instead of that New Orleans street corner. Squeezing his eyes shut, he forces himself to his feet and shakes off the aching in his muscles where he can still feel the echo of his sword.

Josie wakes two seconds later, a dark look in her eye that quickly disappears when he helps her up. She had been off since Stella's incident, not that Aaron can blame her. The students had arranged something special for Stella, all lighting a candle in her honor at the hospital. When Josie had walked out with Lizzie, it was like she was putting on a show. She may be a great actress, but Aaron can see through it; the only problem is, he can't decide what's really buried underneath.

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now