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Warning: the first section is a little spicy compared to the usual.

The moment Stella bursts into Josie's room, a large grin spreads over her lips. Josie had been kneeling and gathering the salt from the spell into a large bucket but stops when Stella whispers her name. "You did it," Stella says as she practically falls into Josie's embrace, though awkwardly as Josie hadn't fully stood up yet.

"Yeah," Josie replies. "Yeah, Cleo's back. Did you—"

"I stopped by to say hi, to check in with my mom and Vanessa and that hybrid woman." Stella nods as her hands tangle in Josie's hair, lovingly cupping her face. "Made sure Kaleb and Isaac were ok. I-I even left Hope a little present in her room. A daylight ring, not that she'll need it. My mom actually got me that ring for my thirteenth birthday and Hope a matching one for hers. That's to say I did all that stuff, and now I'm here. With you."

Josie bites her lip, a small smirk on her lip. "And Hope?"

"The tribrid gets to kick some muddy bitch ass," Stella chuckles. "She's got this. I think I, uh, I finally trust her again. It just... She said she loved me even with her emotions overwhelming her. I know she really means it. I'm riding that high, but, uh, there is one last thing I'd like to do while still this confident."

"Oh, yeah?" Josie grins, taking a step forward. "Can I try reading your mind?"

"I bet it'll take you three tries," Stella replies as her hands slip down Josie's arms to wrap around her waist.

"What do I get if I guess it?" Josie tilts her head to the side as she looks down at Stella.

"Anything you want."

"Ok, hmm... You want to brush Sir Arthur Meatball?"

Stella shakes her head, her smile broadening. Last time she went near her cat with a brush, she definitely got scratched up, and not in a fun way. "Two more tries."

"You want to play a prank on the wolves and make all the weights three times as heavy."

"One last try," Stella whispers. Her eyes dart between the low light of night reflecting in Josie's brown eyes to Josie's lip tucked between her teeth.

Stella feels Josie siphon a bit of magic, can hear the door shut behind her. "Or maybe you just want some alone time with your girlfriend?" Josie asks, her voice quiet and raspy, her breath fanning over Stella's face. 

As Stella nods, Josie pulls her own shirt over her head, tossing it to the ground. "You guessed it, babe," Stella chuckles as her hands dance over Josie's ribs. "If you're down for it."

"I just threw off my shirt," Josie replies, her fingers tugging Stella's leather jacket off. "I'm so down. Maybe I should just wear this?" She dangles the leather jacket on her pointer finger before letting it drop to the ground.

"I'd much prefer you with nothing." Stella surges forward, connecting her lips with Josie's. Magic swirls in the air around them as Stella lets her hands explore any space Josie offers as the taller girl guides them both to the bed. A laugh bubbles out of Stella's lips as her back bounces on the mattress, Josie's hands positioned at her sides.

Moving a bit further up the bed, Stella giggles to herself as her heart begins to beat rapidly from just the sight of Josie leaning over her. Stella's hands pull Josie's hair from their tangled limbs and lips, both laughing as their noses brush together.

As a guttural moan echoes from Stella's lips, she can only thank whatever deity looks over her for the spells soundproofing the room.


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