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Hi, readers!

I'm so sorry for the delay in updating, but I thought you guys deserved a small explanation. The past few weeks have been incredibly busy and incredibly difficult for me to focus on this story. I am in no way trying to excuse myself, but it was been really hard for me to find the motivation to continue. Don't worry--I will finish this story. 

Part of the problem is that Legacies sort of screwed up the plot I had planned and now I have to figure out what to do. I am not fully caught up and haven't seen anything since they came back from break, but I know they have involved gods and heretic Lizzie and some other stuff that just messes with my plans. Odds are, I'm going to go cannon-divergent in the coming chapters, but I just have to write it. 

That being said, I want to apologize for the long wait and that you'll have to wait a bit longer. For the few of you who read this, I hope you understand and give me a bit more time to come up with something. 

Otherwise, I hope you guys are doing ok and enjoying the story I do have ready for you. If you're bored and want some other fandoms, I have a bunch of other stories that are darker and fun, but your choice :) 

Enjoy your days! Hopefully, I'll be back soon with more content!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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