T W E N T Y - O N E

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"Let me make sure I understand what you're saying." She paces the length of the familiar tomb with her lips wrapped around a straw, getting small sips of milk shake goodness. "The only way to get to peace is if you have a coin, and the only way to get a coin is if you do something good, like reconcile with someone from your past or help them move on to peace?

Ted drinks his own shake as Landon nods. "More or less. Oh, we have a theory—"

Ted clears his throat.

"I have a theory that the whole point of limbo is to atone for the mistakes of your life. Once you've done that, the boat to peace awaits."

She chews on her lip. "That makes as much sense as the rest of this place."

"It is a bit odd," Ted says. "I mean, here, the three of us are, dead as decency, yet enjoying milkshakes."

"I don't think I'm fully dead. But their good."

"Years of practice. How can we taste them? Hold them in our hands?"

"Does it matter?" She arches a brow. "We're stuck here, or, I guess, I am, at least. We play the hand we were dealt."

"No. What matters is that on my way into town, I learned that limbo is teeming with scores of lost souls. I mean, it's practically Miami. So if Landon's theory is correct, they'll be no shortage of people for us to help, and help ourselves in doing so."

As Ted begins cackling, she winces as Landon snaps, "Would you knock that off?"

She sighs. "Cackling aside, you did good. Because now we know the rules. Which means we know how to cheat. So, once I get my coin and we all have one, what do you say about ditching peace and heading back home?"

"Why would we do that?" Landon asks, narrowing his eyes. "Is something wrong there? Is Hope ok?"

Rage floods her veins as she fights the urge to throw her punch forward. "Hope," she chuckles, shaking her head as she turns away. Bruises still line her throat, cover her back and ache every time she twists. It is a dull pain that's subsided with time, but she can still feel it. "You don't want to know."

"Uh, no, I sort of do."

"No, you don't. Trust me."

Landon rushes in front of her, his hand pushing her back. The moment his palm makes contact with her chest, she wheezes and flinches back to cradle the flaming pain now radiating across her body. "See?" She hisses through her teeth. "Still alive enough to feel pain. Get out of my way while I find some poor soul I have apparently wronged in order to get a stupid coin."

She pushes past him and hikes her jacket up further, pulling her hair in front of her face as she quickly makes her way into town. Souls wander in the square, and with a sigh, she begins. Deep in her mind, she knows the soul that truly needs her apologies, but they are still alive.

So, she tries anyone she recognizes, including people from town, even monsters. No one really listens. She just hopes Saltzman found his way out so she can avoid that train wreck.

"Any luck?"
Gritting her teeth, she turns to Ted who annoyingly sips on his milkshake. "You already know the answer."

He nods. "Have you tried talking to someone you know?"


"It doesn't quite make sense," he clicks his tongue. "I know why I'm here, and it seems Landon must atone for Malivore's sins. But why are you? You never hurt anyone."

Her skin tingles. "Maybe I'm here for a different reason. Like to get the hell back to our world. You're right, I shouldn't be here. I need to get back. Fast. So either help me or stay out of my way."

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now