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Darkness. Everywhere Stella looks, there is simply darkness. Even the flame at the tip of her finger seems like shadows in this hellscape. She calls out for the people Malivore would know are in here with her: Isaac, Aaron, maybe even Kaleb. Her voice echoes like Fenrir's does in her head.

The fire seems to grow, shadows covering her hand without her meaning to do it. Stella yelps and wills the fire away, but it just spreads, cool air covering her skin as the flames crawl up her arm, across her chest. There is no pain, just numbness.


Stella gasps as someone who looks like Landon stands in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back. "What is this? What's happening?" Stella demands as she holds her arm.

"Consequence of doing magic in my realm," Malivore replies, a wide grin on his face. "Think a little, Stella."

"What do you want?"

"Many things." He begins to circle her as something dark crawls behind his eyes. "I want your cousin dead but not a tribrid. I want the hunger to finally be satiated. I want you to suffer."

Stella scoffs. "I gave you what you asked."

"I wanted peace!" He shouts, his voice echoing in the dark. "I wanted to be here! Alone! Yet, you sent me away, eljun bitch. How rude of you. Now, not even your gods can save you."

"I'm not trapped here," Stella snaps. "You said you would give me information."

"Maybe I lied—"

"Hey!" The shape voice makes Stella look over as a blond slams his fist into Malivore's face before stepping in front of Stella, his hand outstretched between them. Aaron glares at Malivore and says, "You stay the hell away."

Malivore holds his jaw as he chuckles. "There you are. Was beginning to think you got lost, demigod." He straightens up as a bright white light spans the area behind him. "Come along, you two. We're going to have some fun."

"No." Stella shakes her head. "Come on." She takes Aaron by the hand and begins walking in the opposite direction.

"What?" Malivore appears in front of them with a scowl. "You know I can make you do whatever, right?"

Stella stares at him blankly. "Hmm... No."

The light blinds her, and the darkness disappears. She holds Aaron's hand tightly as she looks around to see they are in what appears to be a medieval castle with a throne at the other end of the room. The throne is split in half: a wolf is carved into one armrest with its teeth sharp enough to tear flesh while the wood depicts a snake on the other, fangs extended. Silver thread lines the cushions.

"Any ideas?" Aaron asks.

"None." Her footsteps echo against the stone walls as she steps forward, looking up at the beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling, sun glinting off the crystal. "Malivore's being a creep, like usual."

Aaron sighs and runs a hand down his face. "I can't do magic, can you?"

She shakes her head. "Creepy voodoo shit with shadows, but nothing normal." With a frown, her eyes dart around. "What about Isaac? Where is he?" Panic floods her veins as she begins looking in every corner, every shadow. "Isaac? Isaac, where are you? Isaac!"

"He'll be ok," Aaron says, but Stella ignores him. "We need to focus."

"If Malivore hurt him, I'll—"

"You'll what?" Stella clenches her hands into fists as she turns to glare at Malivore who lounges on the throne. He slowly stands with that infuriating smirk. "What power do you have here in my domain?"

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now